Chapter 8

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Dante POV

I woke up with my little sister sleeping peacefully. My heart warms a little. I feel like I'm getting my sister back and also any idiot could see she doesn't sleep enough by how black her under eyes are. Maybe we will have to do more movie nights.

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. When Zeta first came back, you could tell she changed so much. At first I figured the sad and expressionless girl was due to grief. And I'm sure that was part of it, but after weeks without a single conversation or smile, I realized there was a lot more to it.

Yesterday, it was like we got the bubbly 3 year old she was back. I know it seems as if we forgot her, but that's because our father told us that was best in order to move on from her. Deep down I always wished she was with us though.

She seemed so tired when we got home, it was a little strange that she was still awake. We were just planning to hangout and maybe drink a little, but when I got a text from Matteo that we were going to be having a movie night with Zeta, I was excited. I wasn't sure what she'd pick to watch. I was very surprised at her choice. She was talking more than she ever had to us. Maybe we need to do this more. Late night talks seem to be when she is most open. When she fell asleep on my shoulder, I knew I was sleeping there. And that is exactly what I did.

Massimo walked in and Zeta was still sleeping. Matteo left to get ready as he has a class today. Massimo looked at us with a slight smile.

"How'd this come about?" He asked, referring to our sleepover in the movie room.

"Yesterday, we took Zeta to the amusement park and then had a movie night where she fell asleep." He nodded and exited the room quietly as to not wake Zeta.

Matteo POV

I was disappointed that yesterday was over. I'm so happy for the time we got to spend with Zeta. I now will make it a point to get her smiling more. I wish our brothers would do the same.

I woke up and went to my room to get ready for my class this morning. I smiled when I entered my room and saw the pictures from the amusement park yesterday. When Zeta was waiting with Eli, we went and purchased all the photos of us they take on the different rides. It is a memory I will cherish forever.

Maybe we should try to have a family night. If we were able to get Zeta smiling, I'm sure showing her that all of us are here for her will make her much happier. But convincing Gianni and Xander to stop avoiding her will be quite the task. And getting Massimo and Enzo away from work is also nearly impossible. But I will try for her.

Zeta POV

I wake up with my head still on Dante. I apologize, but he tells me not to worry about it. My eyes almost fall out of my head when he tells me it's 10 a.m.  I've never slept that long without a nightmare. He laughs at my reaction.

Then I realized he's been stuck here that long. Now I feel like a huge burden. I apologize for making him wait.

"Zeta if I wanted to leave I would've woken you up. I'm glad to be a good pillow for you" he starts serious and ends joking. Phew. Ok. I reassure myself over and over again.

I go to my room and shower. I smile graces my face when I think about yesterday. I am so thankful to the twins for getting me out of my head even if it was just for a day.

I decide today that I miss outside. I've always loved nature. So I get dressed, grab my phone, and head outside. I find a lounge chair next to the pool and lay down, looking up at the sky. The warmth from the sun along already helping the numb feeling that has returned.

A small while later, Xander and Gianni start approaching the pool. They haven't seeioln me yet. I don't mean to eavesdrop, but it's impossible not to hear.

"I don't know why Massimo brought her here. I don't want to deal with some little girl around here. Thank God she stays in her room most of the time." It was Gianni. I need to find an escape. I'd rather them not see me.

"Yeah. Plus l, how do we know she's safe. It's just a mess. Id rather just avoid her. Don't want any drama that'll come with getting to know her. I have my own issues." Xander answered.

Two steps forward with he twins. Three steps backwards with everyone else. I know I am a burden, but I didn't choose this I pretend to be engrossed in phone knowing I can't escape without suspicion.

They finally reach the pool and notice me. Xander doesn't say anything whole Gianni makes a sour face. "What are you doing out here?" Gianni says harshly.

"Just enjoying the sun. I see you want to use the pool, I can go inside. Don't want to be a bother." Neither say anything as I get up and start to walk inside.

As I'm just within hearing distance still, a wave of courage washes over me. I turn and say, "You know, I never chose to come here. I was happy with my adopted family but now they gone. My best friend is gone. I have absolutely no one. So sorry that I was thrust on you, but just know none of that was my choice." Theh seem stunned as. I walked away.

As I got to my room, all of my confidence fades and I break down. Panic rises in me and my breathing gets heavy as I sob to myself.

Xander POV

We were dicks. She's right that she has no choice. I'm being selfish by totally avoiding her. My own worries about her going away again are getting in the way. But my ego is making me want to just keep avoiding. Now that she's clearly upset with me staying away should be easier.

Maybe I'll join her and the twins for breakfast. I'll keep my distance, but showing up here and there is a start.

Gianni POV

That brat heard us. Then she yells at us with her sob story. Dad took her away for a reason. She's not safe. We moved on. It's not fair to bring her back. I hope she doesn't rat us out to Massimo. I don't need a punishment right now. Ugh. This is the drama we were trying to avoid.

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