Chapter 5

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Zeta POV

Stage 4 of grief. Depression. That's all I'm feeling it really not feeling. Numbness and sadness all at once. So much that it is a physical pain. They left me alone.

Massimo let me know this morning that he and Enzo would be gone for work until tomorrow. Which means no forced family meals today. My already small appetite is diminished.

I've been taking some college classes online, but have decided to take this semester off now. So now I have nothing I NEED to do but focus on healing. But right now healing seems impossible.

Around lunch time, I was looking through my photos for the millionth time. Some when my parents adopted me at 13. Tons of photos of me and Akira at dozens of different concerts. My eyes feel permanently blurry with tears.

I snap out of it when I hear about knock at my door. It's Matteo asking me if I want lunch. I tell him I'm good for now. His eyebrows crease in what seems like worry. He's worried about me? That can't be right.
He let's me know that he and Dante are the only ones home and that I can find them if I do get out.

He leaves and I'm back to being alone. That's what I wanted. I think. I didn't know how to feel anymore. Having someone right to be around me would be nice, but I'm too drained to put in effort. Plus, there's a high chance of them leaving too, and I'm tired of experiencing this much loss.

I skip dinner too, but then I start to feel lightheaded from not eating or drinking anything today. I decide to go to the kitchen for a snack. It's quite late so I am not expecting to see anyone.

To my surprise, Xander is in the kitchen eating. He glanced at me but makes no move to speak or acknowledge me. I take that as my cue to stay silent as well. I grab a glass and fill it with water. I go to reach for a banana, but it is on a shelf too high for me. I think about asking Xander, but when I turn around, he's already gone. I guess my presence really is a burden for him.

I'm now frustrated that I can't seem to find a snack. I turn around to go upstairs when Massimo and Enzo walk in, having returned early from their work excursion. Massimo seems to catch on to my frustration and asks what I want. He grabs me fruit from the shelf.

Well at least I won't be lightheaded anymore. Enzo leaves the room at this point. Massimo asks how my day was and I say fine. He doesn't need to know the turmoil I'm experiencing. He seems surprised when I ask how his day was. I figured that was only polite. Our conversation ends there as I go back to my room.

This is going to be a long two years before I can truly be alone. The only thing worse than being alone is being surrounded by people who make you feel alone.

Matteo pov

I walk into Dante's room. He is typing away at his computer. I decide to ask him how he's feeling about Zeta.

"She seems pretty closed off. I mean even if it was for safety, being abandoned at the orphanage had to be traumatizing. Now the wreck and losing her family and friend. She's probably just processing everything."

He has a good point. I tell him how I found her looking a pictures and how she didn't leave her room.

He responds: "I do love her, but I don't really know her anymore. I think it's best we let her come to us. We shouldn't push her while she's grieving."

I think about his words before agreeing. I just hope it's not something I come to regret.



Sorry for this chapter being updated multiple times. I'm not sure why it republished.

Just a short update, more to come later

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