Chapter 3

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Zeta POV

I go upstairs to start packing. I declined any help because I'm just too overwhelmed to interact right now. I get my suitcases from under my bed and that is when I lose it.

A wave of grief overcomes me and I instantly burst into tears. Having to say goodbye so suddenly is just too much. I miss them so much it's a physical pain.

I continue diving as I start throwing all of my medium sized wardrobe into the first suitcase with zero organization whatsoever.

My diving only increases as I start the second suitcase. Luckily, I find an Old phone to use until I get a new one. I put on my headphones and listen to me and Akira's favorite playlist. After packing my laptop and other electronics, I start packing memories of my parents and friends. I get all of our photos, gifts they got me, done of my mom's jewelry, and other sentimental objects.

I look around the now bare room in disbelief. This really is goodbye to the only good part of my life thus far. I wipe my tears and go to the bathroom to splash my face with cold water trying to limit the evidence of my breakdown.

Not that I care what they think, but I don't need their pity looks. They're the ones who abandoned me first. I'm surprised that I'm not used to people leaving by now.

I walk downstairs and head directly to the front door with an emotionless "let's go." Both of my brothers hesitate when they look at me. Naomi asks if I'm okay. Of course I'm not but I respond with a "fine" and enter the car. They join me moments later. We silently headed to the airport.

We boarded their private jet. I remember being on this one time when I was little we flew to Italy to see our grandparents. It's nice and lavish.

I go to the back of the plane and sit in a comfy reclining chair. My brothers sit around me. Massimo breaks the silence by asking if I need anything for the short flight. I shake my head and put my headphones back on indicating I don't want to talk. The music allows me to feel close to Akira, especially now that she's gone. I pull out my Nintendo switch and dive into my game of Pokemon, attempting to distract myself from having another breakdown. I don't remember where my love for Pokemon began. Luckily, this cast doesn't limit me too much in playing. It becomes the perfect distraction until we reach New York.

Massimo's POV

When Zeta returns with her bags, it's obvious she's not okay. He eyes are puffy and face is red. I would love to comfort her, but I am not sure how. Plus, she doesn't seem quite welcoming to us at the moment.

Enzo and I lock eyes questioning what to do, but she's outside in the car before we can attempt anything. We enter the car and Zeta has headphones on. I take the hint that she doesn't want to talk and start off towards our plane at the airport. I'm hoping that the plane will give us a chance to talk.

My hopes were crushed as Zeta say towards the back of the plane. I caught her just before she put her headphones on to ask if she needed anything for the flight, attempting to break the ice. She shook her head and put her headphones on. I decide not to push a conversation.

I pull out my laptop to get some work done as she begins playing a game on her switch. I nonchalantly try to peak at the what she is playing and see that it's Pokemon. I couldn't help the slight smile that appeared. Xander started Zeta on Pokemon at the age of two. I'm her last year with us those two were always up late playing Pokemon. I wonder if she remembers that.

I go back to my work and before I know it we are landing. I see Zeta take her headphones off and I know that the ride home may be my chance to get more than a few words this time.

The twins texted me earlier letting me know they had her room redone. It is an olive green theme. I hope she likes it and the boys make her feel welcome out at least avoid making her feel unwanted.

In the car, Enzo stayed on his phone doing who knows what. Zeta is looking out the window when I decide to speak.

"We are glad to have you back Zeta. Our house wasn't the same when you left."

"Uh huh" she replies, obviously not believing me.

"The twins, Dante and Matteo, took some time to set up your room. If there is anything you don't like, please let one of us know." I try again.

"Thanks." She's continued being short.

I decide to offer my condolences again. "I'm very sorry again for your loss. I can't imagine what you're going through. We are all here for you. Although, you may have the best of luck with me or the twins. Enzo here isn't the best with emotions and you may remember Xander and Gianni being the hotheads of the family."

At the morning of his name, Enzo briefly looks up, but he remains silent. Zeta looks to be lost in thought.

Finally, she replies, "It's not my first time going through something alone. I'm sure I'll manage fine."

What does she mean? I know she probably had a rough time being left at the orphanage, but her life with her be adopted family seemed good. Is there more to her today than we think?

"Right. Well I'm sorry we weren't there before, but we are now" I reassure her.

We spend the rest of the car ride lost in thought. How am I going to be a good guardian to her when I can't even connect with her? Plus, this time off is going to have me swamped with work. Hopefully it brothers attempt to connect. I don't want to push her to much as she grieves and adjusts, but I don't wanting her shutting herself off to us either. We need to gain her trust back.

We pull up to our mansion. I wonder if the boys are waiting to meet her once again, but I'm disappointed to walk into an empty house. I have a servant take Zeta's bags to get room. I ask Enzo to show Zeta to her room while I go to my office. I will let her be alone to settle in until dinner.

Enzo pov

I am slightly annoyed when Massimi asks me to take Zeta to her room. I'm not one for small talk. She's obviously going through a lot and I really don't do emotions. I'm not even sure how to approach her. However, she is my sister. I don't want to be rude by refusing. I go to the stairs and gestures her to follow. She follows me silently, seemingly lost in thought. As we arrive at her door, I decide to speak, "here you are. Someone will come get you from dinner. I know I'm rather quiet, but welcome home." She replies with a small nod and a "thanks" as she slowly enters her room. I own in to see the c twins actually did a pretty good job on her room. It seems she thinks so too as she takes some time to admire it. I take that as my cue to leave and silently walk away, dreading the reunion at dinner. To many emotions for me. I sigh and make my way to Massimo's office to help him with the work I am sure is piling up since we've been gone.

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