Chapter 16

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Massimo POV

Once I saw her face, I knew bringing her to the zoo was the right choice. If just being here made her this happy, then my other surprise was going to make her week.

"You always loved it here when you were younger. Since you were a baby, we came here all the time. Sometimes every weekend" I said.

"I've always loved seeing the animals. I wish their cages were bigger though." She replied. Of course she cares about that.

"Well let's go" I said as we headed in. We started with the big cats: lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, etc. Zeta took it all in. I didn't care much, but her excitement made me excited for each animal. She was rambling on facts about each animals and it didn't take long for her rambling to become my favorite sound. At the same time, I'm fill of guilt and regret that she's been home for weeks and I haven't made an effort. I wasn't there when she needed me. I didn't even notice about her past. I have to be better and today starts that. My second surprise is coming up as we get to the safari section of the zoo. We look at the rhinos, then the giraffes. As we are going to the elephants, I redirect her down a small path. Thank God she said that they are still her favorite. I cover her eyes with my hands and continue to guide her into a building near the elephant exhibit. In the building is a zookeeper standing next to an elephant. I lead Zeta into the building until she is within five feet of the elephant. When I tell her to open her eyes, she stills on shock of seeing an elephant right in front of her. Slowly, then all at once, a smile appeared that was so big, I knew hee face was going to be sore tomorrow. My heart felt so full that I caused this. I'm glad I could provide some light in what has been a very dark life. I want to make this Zeta last forever. I will do all I can to protect her from the troubles of this world.

Zeta POV

I think this is the best day of my life. The zoo is my happy place. Massimo intently listened to me ramble about all the animals. It's nice to have someone care about what I love. Then his second surprise happened.

I don't know if any of my other brothers will even come close to this. I got to pay the elephants trunk, feel the wind from its flapping ears, and even feed it. I got so many pictures with it too. I forced Massimo into some of them. I can't remember having smiled this much maybe ever. My face is getting sore. My throat is getting scratchy too. I haven't talked this much in so long. But the scratchy voice and sore face were bliss. They were reminders of such a great day. I forgot all of my troubles for the day fully immersed in the experience that Massimo gave me. I'm so thankful. He was so thoughtful. He isn't exactly an emotional guy, but I can see how much he cares. I know I can go to him if I need to.

We left the elephant experience and went through the rest of the zoo. So many animals. Spewing info to Massimo about each one and taking in so much from the zoo workers and signs. We got to the Aquarium and I felt at peace surrounded by all the water. I found looking at the fish so calming. We walked along side by side in the most comfort silence. I am so thankful for today. As we get back to the car, I stop before going to the passenger side when I struggle to find words for how thankful I am. I decide to just throw my arms around Massimo with a giant hug and squeeze him like my life depended on it. Which I'm sure he barely even felt but that's besides the point. "Thank you so much. Not only was this the best day of my life but you also distracted me from everything else I'm going through which I thought was impossible. This whole day means soooo much to me" I say to him.

Massimo hugs me back. "You deserve the world bambina. I'm always here for you. I'm sorry I wasn't acting like it this far. I really did miss you all these years. The others may seem like they forgot. Our father trained them that way. So they could accept you were gone. But I always remembered you" he said.

I let those words sink in. I parted from our hug and made our way to the other side of the car. When I got in, Massimo reignited my excitement when he said "I'm glad you had fun here, but the day is not over yet. Want to grab some dinner?"

"Yes!" I exclaim. He tells me it's a bit of a drive, so we decide to continue our game from earlier.

"Do you like your work?" I decide to ask him. "I don't mind it I guess. I never really had a choice. I'm used to it now." He answers and I nod. 

"Are you okay with what we do?" he asks me. Hmm. "Not really. I tend to be a rule follower. But, you're my brothers and as long as I'm not involved, I don't care. But, I hate secrets, so if something involves me, you better tell me." I answer truthfully.

"I'll take that into consideration" he says. "Do you like sushi?" he asks me. 

"Yeah. It was Akira's favorite, so we went a lot" I tell him.

"Good. I was planning on taking you to my favorite sushi place for dinner. We are almost there." 

I look at the window until we pull up to a cute restaurant and go inside. We eat dinner talking about anything and everything. I feel much closer to Massimo after today. Still, his usual intimidating mask is preventing me from being as close to him as I am the twins, but I am hoping that will change. My heart is so full knowing how much he cares. He even remembered my favorite animal. 

We get home and it already almost time for bed. I am exhausted from all of the excitement of today. All the smiling, laughing, and talking is exhausting, especially when I haven't done it in so much in a while. Dante comes in as I'm laying down in bed. I guess it is his turn to keep me company.

I excitedly tell him all about my day. Even he seems surprised that Massimo pulled off such an excellent day. I start thinking of what I am going to do with my other brothers. I start to get anxious when I think about spending tomorrow with Enzo. He's so quiet that I don't know what to expect, 

"Dante, what is Enzo like?" I ask.

"Why? Worried about your day tomorrow? Enzo may be quiet, but he is very observant. He's been distant from all of us for years, but I know he cares. I think he just has trouble getting attached after mom died, you left, and dad left. It affected all of us, but he just got quiet after that. He spends most of his free time working out. I'm sure whatever he has planned will be fun. If not its only a day, right?"

Right. With that thought, I closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before the nightmare that will inevitably come when Dante leaves.

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