Could he call it luck? Out of all the places in this small town , he ran into the Latina beauty at his aunt Hana's animal shelter of all places . The smell of wet dog and cat liter made his nose scrunched up. He grinned when he noticed her outfit was similar to his . Anyone that passed by would think they were a matching couple. When her eyes roamed over his body , he couldn't help but let his grin grow . It was obvious by the way her eyes scanned him head to toe that she found him attractive , even if she denied it . "Kier." He glanced at his aunt . "I heard about Roland . Have there been any updates?" He shook his head. "Not that I know of. He's still missing ." His cousin , bored with the conversation, turned around and went back to what he was doing . His aunt snapped her fingers. "Ah , I totally forgot. Feng , will you take Makenna to the back and show her the dogs that she'll be caring for today." His cousin snorted in reply  , not once looking up from the computer screen. "Get Peppa to do it , I'm busy."  Hana tapped the end of her cane on the floor . "Your sister is busy as well ,  her job is harder than yours. You can take a few minutes from the computer to show someone around , it won't kill you." She whispered-yelled . Kieran cleared his throat. "I can do it ." Both of them looked at him. Makenna as well . "I know my way around . I don't mind taking her to the kennels." Hana glared at her son before turning to Kieran and smiling , "How sweet of you. Thank you." She turned to Makenna , "If there's anything you need help with , just let me know." His aunt pinched his cousin's face before heading back to her office .

"So , your name is Makenna?" They walked down the hall past the grooming and cat room . He attempted to make small talk with her. Maybe even try to get to know her a little better . Since their encounter at the diner , he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. "Clearly." She fidgeted with her earrings and kept her eyes forward , her heels click-clacking with each step. "I would have thought you'd have a name like Maria or Esperanza ." Her eyes shifted to to the side to look at him. "And why's that?" She asked. Kieran exhaled , " Being that you are of Spanish heritage and all. Makenna is more of a Caucasian name ." She snorted and lightly shook her head . "My father named me after my grandmother ." Kieran hummed. "So , are both of your parents from—" She cut him off. "No.  My mother's family is originally from Spain , but she was born and raised here in America. She met my father while attending college , they fell in love then surprise had my brother and I. And before you ask , my father is Irish-American." He nodded. "That explains how good you are with English."  She narrowed her eyes at him. "Believe it or not , I learned English not from my father , but my mother ." She crossed her arms across her chest. "What about you? You may look Asian , but you don't speak like one." Kieran laughed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck.  "You're not the only one with parents from a interracial marriage." He sighed. "My mother was born in South Korea , along with my aunt.  My aunt met  my uncle on a work getaway in New York.  Well few months later she invited the family to come for their wedding and that's  how my mother met my father. Turns out my father was my uncle's best friend and from Australia. " The corner of  his lips lifted into a grin. "So , she moved back home with him . They got married and ta-da , I was brought into the world."

He opened the door and a array of various barks , growls , and whimpers overflowed from the room into the hall. Various size kennels were lined up against both sides of the walls in two rows. Tables were sat up in every corner , stocked with different brands of dog food and dog snacks. Thousands of leashes and collars of various colors , size and designs littered the wall dangling from hooks. "There's so many of them ," She muttered. Kieran nodded. "A lot of them have either be abandoned on the streets and some have been returned by people that just couldn't handle taking care of them anymore."  Makenna noticed the German Shepard from earlier . He was curled up in one of the kennels with his tail curled at his side and paws covering his eyes. Low  whimpers echoed from where he laid with his back to the kennel door. "That's the one Peppa was having issues with." Kieran glanced over at the older dog. "Ah , Draco." She approached Draco's kennel and lowered herself to the floor . She crossed her legs and folded her arms over her knees. "Por qué tan triste , viejo?" She whispered to the dog . "You were full of spunk just minutes ago , had that poor girl out of breath trying to catch up to you. Why are you so sad now?"

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