Chapter 13 - Upset and Doubts

Start from the beginning

"Why do you say that?"

"Japan is a nation of humans who are poor in magic... no, they possess no magic at all, even. There are no other races, and considering Moriaul's report, it is almost certain that they are a nonmagical nation. In other words, they are the exact opposite of the Sorcerous Empire, and I dare say they are incompatible with them."

Civilizations in this world developed using magic as a basis. As a result, those with low magical aptitude tend to have lower social status. Due to their originally high aptitude, dragonfolk particularly exhibit this tendency, but it's even more pronounced among the light-winged people. It was rumored that the light-winged people used even members of their own species with low magical aptitude as subjects for experimentation. And when faced with the Japanese, who are confirmed to possess no magic at all, it's easy to imagine what would happen.

"But the Sorcerous Empire's technological prowess is real. Despite mankind's efforts over millennia, they have developed extremely advanced technology that we still cannot match. How could a non-magical human race develop guided magic bullets? Moreover, is it even possible to achieve such things through nonmagical means alone?"

Everyone shared the same sentiment.

"Indeed... it's a valid question."

Alesthre did not deny it either.

"However, I believe that we also do not understand nonmagical technology. When we learned that Mu valued nonmagical means and developed various technologies, what did we think?"

The power of the nonmagical method is insignificant. A race lacking in magic can never surpass the dragonfolk. After all, science is nothing more than a degraded form of magic. Not only the dragonfolk but the whole world mocked Mu's choice at the time.

"However, Mu reigns as a powerful nation above our Emor. Now, it has been proven that their way is not inferior to magic."

"No, that's an overstatement!"

"Master Alesthre, the nonmagical method can never rival magic!"

For the dragonfolk, who already had a strong tendency towards racial discrimination, this was a difficult fact to accept. Amidst the voices of dissent, Wagdran silenced them with a stern look.

"Alesthre, your Spatial Divination has indicated that Japan holds the key. If Japan can become a key to resist the Sorcerous Empire, it can only be thought to possess power or technology equal to the Sorcerous Empire."

Many ministers looked at Wagdran in shock at the statement affirming Alesthre's assertion.

"But if they possess such power, isn't there a high possibility that they will eventually harbor unjust ambitions?"


Everyone's expression turned grim all at once.

"In fact, they unilaterally defeated Parpaldia, the ruler of the Third Civilization Area. Will Japan be satisfied with just the Third Civilization Area? Even if they oppose the Sorcerous Empire, if they possess a power equal to the Sorcerous Empire, it wouldn't be strange for them to engage in the same atrocities. After all, they're humans, stupid as they are. We must be wary."

'Engaging in the same atrocities as the Sorcerous Empire...'

Everyone imagined the worst, such as the core magic that destroyed Infidragoon, the precursor to the Kingdom of Emor. If they were equal to the Ravernal Empire, it wouldn't be strange for them to possess it. And there's no guarantee they won't use it.

"This is an extremely dire situation. And urgent. We must act immediately. Listen, we'll handle this with Mirishial. That town elf emperor is wise. If we provide him with information, he'll soon reach the same conclusion as I. Inform Moriaul to make an agreement with Mirishial against Japan. This matter must not be known to Japan under any circumstances. Proceed with it in secret."

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