Footloose - Chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"I tell you, Alvin, I'm not sure about people these days. No sense of common decency," Gram fumed.

"I'm sure you'll let them know, Lucy," Alvin replied without looking up. "Getting ready for Thursday?"

"Yes, and don't you worry, Alvin, I'll be front and center. Ross better be ready," Gram declared.

"I'm sure he can't wait," Gramps muttered, having no worries of her being ready and making a mental note to avoid Ross at the city bowling league.

Suddenly, the telephone's clattering bell broke the lull in conversation. Gram rose to her feet to answer. "Oh, Hi Bonnie. Jake? Sure, hang on," she said, smiling toward her grandson.

"Um, I'll take it upstairs. Night, Gram, Night, Grandpa," Jake said.

"Night, Jake. Just go pick up the cordless, and I'll hang up in here," Gram replied.

"Thanks, Gram," said Jake as he headed upstairs and picked up the cordless from the end table, confirming to his grandma that he had it.

"Bye, Bonnie. Tell Clara I said hi, dear," Gram said before hanging up.

"I will," Bonnie replied as she and Jake heard the other line click.

Jake crossed the room and settled back on the couch upstairs.

"Hey, Bonnie, what are you up to?" Jake asked.

"Just some wild girl stuff," she teased. "Painting nails, listening to Nirvana – you know, the usual."

"Really? Cool," Jake replied.

"Well, Nirvana is playing in the background, actually. I'm painting my nails while Leah is reading some trashy romance novel, and 90210 is on mute."

"Hi, Farmer Tan! And FYI, it's Outlander – high literature," Leah chimed in playfully.

"Hi, Leah," said Jake.

"So, Jake, you still got wheels for tomorrow?" Bonnie asked.

"Yeah, Bonnie, it's all set. When do you girls want to meet up for breakfast?"

Bonnie thought for a second. "We were thinking about 10:30. That way, we have time and no rush before the lunch crowd gets in. Mom said it slows down after the morning rush around 10 am."

"Hopefully, we can find a place to park," said Jake.

"Yeah, don't forget your quarters. Dave's Restaurant is right on the main drag," reminded Bonnie.

"I know, I look forward to catching up with you without my cousins running a timer," Jake said.

"It will be good, and Dave's is great food. If you want, we can walk around after," Bonnie answered, hoping to spend a nice afternoon with Jake.

"So, I'm curious ladies, how was your day?" Jake asked, curious if they would tell him.

"And just what would you be curious about, farmer tan?" teased Leah.

"I don't know," said Jake trying to get details from the girls. "You ladies mentioned maybe "shopping" for something today."

"Did we now?" said Bonnie, dragging Jake along. "And since when are you EVER interested in shopping."

"I think Jake wants to know what I got," said Leah. "And for your information, Mr. Nosey, I'm not going to tell you. You will just have to wait and see."

"Oh, so..when will I get to see it?" said Jake with a little too much excitement for Bonnie's liking.

"Oh my gosh. Seriously, is that all you think about? Wow!" said Bonnie.

"Well, I ." said Jake, trying to not sound like a creep. "You all did say you were gonna look for a."

"A swimsuit Jake," said Bonnie her voice rising. "A swimsuit. Were you hoping for some wild bikini fashion show? Cause seriously, this for my grandparent's beach. Yeah, like that would fly in any century."

She paused to catch her breath, "Yes, WE did find suits, I got one too, so you know, and if you are able to control yourself, you might get to see it," said Bonnie as she lowered her tone off her verbal soapbox.

Jake trying to get out of the line of fire continued, "Oh, I'm glad you found one. So Leah, do you like it? Is it nice?"

"Yes, Jake, it's quite nice and comfortable actually. And it's a pretty lime green.

"Cool. I think I'm going back to the lake on Friday with Grandpa," said Jake.

"Really?" said Bonnie. "You all were just there Monday."

"Yeah, Thursday night is some meeting at the high school that Grams is going ballistic over and Grandpa doesn't want to be in town the day after."

"Oh," said Bonnie, chuckling. "That definitely sounds like your gram, so what is it this time?"

"I have no idea," said Jake, "and I'm not sure I want to ask."

"Well, we are gonna be at the lake Friday Leah, remember," said Bonnie, looking towards her cousin.

"Oh, that's right, your shift at the diner." said Leah.

"But only until early afternoon. We can probably go swimming after, if you all are done fishing." said Bonnie

"That sounds good," said Jake, "I'm assuming your grandfather will be joining me and my grandpa."

"I'm sure he will," said Bonnie, he never misses a chance to go fishing. "Well, Jake, I'm thinking we are gonna start getting ready for bed."

"Well, I'm already pretty comfortable," said Jake, "and ready for bed, just waiting for my company to join me."

"Really, who might that be?" teased Leah.

"Well, seeing I hear her," said Jake, getting up, and walking into the sitting room. "I'll let her say hello." Jake said, taking a minute to scoop up the dog that was snuffling around the sofa and placing her on the fluffy comforter of the bed.

"Hi Maggie," said Bonnie.

Maggie gave her standard reply into the phone.

"Aww, she sounds adorable," said Leah.

"She is, aren't you," said Jake to the dog now burrowing into the covers.

"Well, you and your snuggle buddy get some sleep," said Bonnie. "And we'll see you in the morning."

"Sounds good," said Jake. "Sweet dreams, ladies. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Farmer Tan," said Leah. "Sweet dreams as well."

Jake hung up the receiver with a smile on his face, the music of their voices carrying him off to sleep.


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