"I benched him," I announced, seeing the shock on her face, I had to clarify my response. "Just for the week."

"He was that bad?"

"No! I..." Oh, I should have known better. Rae bursts out laughing at the idea that a Bradford could be bad at sex. Of course they aren't. They're Gods. "Stop laughing! This isn't funny!"

"No, but I think you're worrying too much. He's been busy trying to get his spot back, right? Well, I think he's just laser focused on that. He knows he's got to work twice as hard to keep his nose clean, Lowe. He can't have you and screw up. It wouldn't look good for either of you."

I hadn't thought about it that way. I wasn't really looking at it from his perspective. And maybe I am overreacting and overthinking this. Rae is always so much better than I am at seeing the full picture.

We finished dinner and Rae headed home with the request that if I have any wild sex again that I notify her immediately. Especially if it's with Easton. She managed to lighten the mood I was in and talking about it with her really helped me. I should have called her earlier.

Locking up for the night, I made my rounds around the house, turning off lights and locking the doors. I set the alarm and headed to my bedroom with still plenty of emails to respond to and a couple contracts to read before I get to bed.

Going into the bedroom, I went to the bathroom to wash my face and noticed that my things were rearranged on the counter. I'm not OCD but I do like to keep my things in certain places. Assuming the cleaning lady had done it, I put everything back where it was supposed to be and made a mental note to talk to the housekeeper about it.

Going to my dressing table, I pulled off my earrings and necklace and started to put them back in the boxes. I opened my jewelry drawer and found the empty boxes weren't where I thought I put them.

"That's strange," I thought out loud and rifled through the drawer to find the right boxes to put my jewelry away. I know I left the boxes right on top. Perhaps another reason to talk to the housekeeper and see if she had someone new with her.

I've had the same housekeeper for over a year and I've never had a single problem with her. I love her. She always keeps everything just the way I like it. It's surprising that she would start moving it all around now. She must be training someone, and that someone needs to learn to stay out of my things.

Changing my clothes and climbing into bed, I pull my laptop out and get to work. Janitorial requests, vacation requests, uniform orders, marketing proofs, another email from Emma asking how many tickets I need for the fundraiser, office policies to deal with and a new draft pick, who I have to remind of the team policies about their hygiene. I could pass that one along to the coach.

Rubbing my eyes, I look at the clock and see it's just after two in the morning. Five A.M. is just around the corner and I'm going to be very tired once again. Just as I'm about to shut down, my email notifies me that the house security system has detected movement in the backyard.

"Probably Mrs. Newsome's cat again," Pulling up the app, I click on the camera link to see what was happening. "So what are you getting into tonight, you little fluff muffin?"

Watching the ten minute video, I don't see anything wrong. Figuring I was right about the cat and it zipping by the camera, I didn't look close enough to the details. Then, just as I was about to click out of it, I saw it. The shadow slipping across the back wall.

Sitting straight up, I'm no longer tired and wide awake with a rush of adrenaline. Someone is on my property. Rewatching the video, I see the figure come out of the pool house and slink into the shadows, where I can barely see him.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant