Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


She continued to argue with me. It was Harlowe's nature to argue. That seems to be the way our relationship has always been. It's always been easier to argue than just talk to each other. The one time we did get along easily we screwed everything up and then we stopped talking all together.

That was my fault.

We never told Max about what happened no matter how many times he asked about it. And he asked me plenty of questions about what I did to piss off his sister. I didn't think it pissed her off as much as I confused her. I was confused about it myself.

Hell, I was eighteen years old. I was stupid to get involved with my sixteen year old best friend's sister. I knew better and I fixed the situation. She didn't like it either way. That was my fault too.

And I have to own it now because I was too much of a wuss to do it before. That's my fault too. Looks like tonight is going to be the night I deal with a whole lot of shit.

Driving Harlowe home neither of us said a word. She stared out the side window as I paid attention to the road. Lost in my thoughts, I tried to put together the right way to say that I was wrong, that I handled the situation wrong and that I'm sorry.

Those words aren't the easiest to say when you know how your best friend will react when he finds out what you've done. Especially when he trusted you to never lay a hand on her. He trusted you with her - period. And you betrayed his trust. That's going to hurt.

Fuck! This is going to suck!

"Why did you come by my office tonight? I know it wasn't to kick Tom out, although I owe you for the assist," Harlowe's voice was so quiet I barely heard her.

"I wanted to tell you that I believe in you. And that you should come to the team meeting tomorrow and talk to the team. They need to hear from you directly about Tom." It was the truth. She needs to tell them what happened first before they hear it from the media.

"You're probably right about that. I will, thanks for being there, by the way. I'm not sure what he would have done if you hadn't tossed him out." That was hard for her, I know that.

Harlowe is a very strong, independent woman. She doesn't like to admit that there are times when she needs a man around to help her out or, God forbid, stand up for her. She would rather have her ass kick than have to ask a man for help. And she won't ask me for anything, especially to stand up for her.

She definitely got a Georgia Bradford gene in her somewhere. And she has a stubborn streak a mile wide. If she knew what I said about her in the locker room earlier, if she knew that it wasn't the first time I've done something like that, or that it won't be the last, she would be pissed with me.

It's something Harlowe is going to have to learn to live with. I made Max a promise a long time ago. I'm going to keep it. Even if I broke the first rule myself, no one else will. I'll make sure of it.

"You don't have to worry about that, Lowe. I'm always going to be here for you." That was the truth.

Even after being a complete idiot for knowing better, I have always been here for her. In the background, kicking guys asses for treating her like shit, for thinking they can touch her when they have no right, for talking to her in ways that showed her no respect. I've stood up for her without her knowing any of it and I'd do it all again.

I'd do anything for her.

Without taking my eyes off the road, I reached out and took her hand. Linking my fingers through hers, I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed her hand. A romantic gesture I rarely make to any woman. I'm careful that way. I don't want to give any woman the wrong idea.

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