Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I don't know what I was thinking. I should have known some things don't change when it comes to Easton. He's a womanizing jerk just like every other Bradford. He's done this before to me, the sweet act then turned around and went off with someone else.

I didn't realize he was married and had a child? When did that happen? How did I not know about this! Wouldn't someone in the family have mentioned going to the wedding or Easton having a baby? How long have I been ignoring the subject of Easton Bradford?

I know I've told the family I didn't want to talk about him. And I have avoided the subject of what happened between us for years because I didn't want to admit that I made such a fool of myself. I mean, no one wants to be told that the guy they've been crushing on since childhood only sees you as a friend, or worse, a sister.

Who wants to have said guy give you what you've dreamed of for one night and then tell you it was a mistake. Talk about ripping your heart out! But I dealt with it, didn't I? I saw him at family gatherings when I had no other choice and I was polite. I didn't cut his dick off or go crazy on him when he said he wasn't interested in me. I took it for what it was, a one night stand. And I am stronger for it.

The person that night mattered to was me. It was my innocence that was lost that night, not his. He was gentle with me when he realized that I was a virgin. He didn't treat me badly or talk about me after. He wouldn't do that. Easton didn't do that to anyone. He checked on me afterwards, he made sure I was okay and I told him to stop and leave me alone. He made me feel like I was a burden, a responsibility, not someone special. And I hated it.

He always watched out for me through school and college. He made sure I was safe and I didn't get harassed by the jerks who took other girls for granted. I knew he did that for me. Him and my brother always watched over me. Despite the two of them never saying a word to me about it, I knew.

I got to go on one date with one of the football players in high school. It was after Easton graduated and I thought it would be great to date a player. It was the worst decision ever. He was all over me. And when I punched him in the throat and kicked him in the balls, he said that Easton could have me. I asked what he meant and he said that Easton had warned everyone on the team that they were to keep their hands off me, according to him, I belonged to Easton. I never understood what exactly that meant.

I still don't. Easton wanted to stake his claim on me but he didn't want me either? Why? What's wrong with me?

He seems to have moved on without me knowing. He has a family, a child, and he's back in my life staking his claim on me again. That's what this feels like. It's high school all over again. Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

At the knocking on my office door, I absently said come in and remained lost in my thoughts. Why didn't I know Easton had a child? I should have known that! "Why didn't Max tell me?"

"Why didn't I tell you what?" My brother plops down in the chair across from me, casually resting his ankle on his knee and completely at home here. "You look good behind that desk, sis! Easton was right. You belong here. Now, what did I forget to tell you?"

"Easton is married and has a daughter, why didn't you tell me? I felt so stupid this morning when I met her and didn't even know... why didn't you tell me?"

Max looked completely confused. "What?"

"I got worried about him when he didn't show up this morning. I went over there and..." I realized that I'm really overreacting about this. It's not my business. "It doesn't matter. He's benched indefinitely for not showing up to work. His personal life has nothing to do with his place on the team."

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