Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


Last night could have gone better. I don't know what I was expecting going over to Easton's place so late at night. I knew he had been pushing my buttons by kissing me earlier but it hit something different in me. And when the press caught it on camera and started questioning me over it, I blew my cool.

Of course the worst thing I could do was go straight over to Easton's and confront him. I should've known that I would be followed. I should have known they would follow me to his door. And of course Easton would open the door looking like that!

I didn't know what to do. So I pushed my way inside. I just had to put my hands on those rock hard abs once again and feel the way they quiver, just slightly under my touch. He'd never admit to that. I know that much. But I felt it all the same.

Then once I got inside I realized I was in big trouble. He called me out immediately when I got a good look at him and couldn't stop myself from staring. The man was made to be looked at. All that dark hair wet and dripping water down those rippling muscles only to disappear below the towel that hugged his hips.

I forgot everything else for a moment and just wanted to be there with him. Then he had to open his big mouth and remind how much of a jerk he could be. And I remember the press that was waiting just outside the door.

He reminded me of why I bought the team. Why I was doing this and why I was not going to stop until I had proven myself to everyone. Especially to myself. I need to know what I am capable of and that I can be successful with what I've wanted all my life. I might not be a Bradford but I'm still going to be one of the best in football.

Easton did apologize for the kiss when he realized what he did. That did surprise me. He doesn't apologize easily. I think he was afraid I would get emotional on him. Easton doesn't handle emotions well. And neither of us like the press hounding us about our relationship. We've seen how that affects our families plenty over the years.

The press didn't leave. They waited. I swear they multiplied while Easton and I talked. When we finished hours later and I went to leave they were camped in his front yard. Waiting for me to leave.

My first thought was fine, I can just wait them out. Then it occurred to me that they would just stay there all night and I would have to come out in the morning because Easton would have to report to the arena and I would have to go to the office and that would bring on all sorts of problems.

Staying overnight with Easton was out of the question. Not that I haven't done that before. I can't remember how many times Max and I did just that. We were either at the Bradford's compound or Easton was at our house. We grew up in each other's pockets, and it was all so normal.

Nothing about Easton has ever been simple or normal. Not for me at least. He was my brother's best friend and he always saw me as Max's little sister. It drove me crazy and I did everything I could to make him see me as anything but that. Especially that last summer.

The summer that changed everything for both of us. And I'm truly better off not thinking about it ever again. Easton has had enough manners to not bring it up even when he did hint at it last night. He didn't push the subject.

I should be grateful that Easton knew how to handle the situation last night. Of course he knew, I'm sure it wasn't the first time he had to sneak a woman out of his house without the press catching her.

Dylan does keep his clients from getting caught with their pants down. Just like uncle Matt used to do for Grandpa Blake. He was notorious in his day for being reckless with the ladies, right up until Emma came into the picture. He changed his ways real fast to keep her.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt