Chapter 10

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Chapter 10


"I wasn't talking about sex," denying that single event is my only option right now. "I was talking about when I was leaving tonight. I was backing out of my parking spot and someone, some man, dressed in all black was standing right behind my car staring at me. I almost hit him! When I got out to confront him..."

"Stop! Stop right there!" Rae held her hand up to stop the conversation. "Have you lost your mind? You got out of your car to confront him?"

Pushing my hair out of my face, I sighed. I should have known she would scold me about this. "It's my building, and no one who doesn't work there has access! Anyway, I walked around the garage, and don't lecture me about this, Rae. I know it was a bad idea. The point is, I couldn't find him. It was like he just disappeared," snapping my fingers to prove my point.

Rae shook her head at me and grabbed my hands. "You are an incredibly smart person, Lowe. But this was more incredibly stupid! You could have been attacked, raped or killed! Pull your head out of your ass and think about it! Obviously the building isn't as secure as you thought."

"I know that now! At the time, I thought it was..." it occurred to me then exactly what I thought and what I was thinking about.

"Who? That guy you fired? You don't think he'll try to get revenge or something do you?" Rae had a good point and one that I hadn't even thought of.

"No, I had his information deleted from the system. He couldn't get back in." At least not that I know of. I'm going to make a point to check that first thing tomorrow morning. "Easton. I thought it was Easton."

"Easton?" Rae took a long moment to think about that. Too long, because when her eyes narrowed in on me, she saw everything. "Holy hell, Lowe. You had sex with Easton again, didn't you? Don't deny it! I knew I saw the wild sex vibes on you. It was wild sex, right? I mean, it is Easton Bradford. Everyone knows how the Bradford Boys are."

Closing my eyes, I grabbed the throw pillow next to me and covered my face with it and screamed. I can't do this. I'm the boss and I slept, no, not slept. There was definitely no sleeping, no bed even, involved in what happened between us.

"You can't say anything, Rae. Nothing to anyone," I begged her. Yes, she is my cousin and she is a member of the Bradford family. This could be so bad if she tells the wrong person.

"I won't, but Lowe, you're his boss. How is that going to work?" It's not like I haven't asked myself the same question and I don't have any answers yet.

"Look, let's just order food and have a drink, or a few. I don't know what to do. And since Easton hasn't spoken to me since, I would say the moment we had is over with. I don't think there's anything to worry about." And that was the biggest lie I've ever told.

We dropped the subject for the moment and ordered dinner. While we ate and after several glasses of wine, I spilled my guts. I told Rae everything, linking it to what happened before and our little moment years ago. She listened as only a best friend could and let me get it off my chest.

It was thoroughly embarrassing to know that I was duped by the same guy twice. I told her how I was worried about the league and the team board finding out about it. It could hurt Easton's career and I could lose my team.

"I don't think so," she says, selecting another dumpling. "Easton is The Quarterback this year. He has a shit load of pressure on him to perform this year. I think this will get swept at least by your board. Maybe not with the league but you really think he could lose his position, could he?"

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