Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


True to my word, I went straight home. I said a silent thank you to my housekeeper who happens to be an excellent cook and made dinner for me. She is a friend of my mom's from the diner. She used to waitress for her, but Holly was barely able to afford to pay her bills.

That's when Dad stepped in. It wasn't that they were paying her well. They were but her ex had filed for alimony so she was paying out money to him on top of having a kid to take care of. It was more than she could handle alone.

In true Bradford style, Dad and Grandpa took care of the situation for Holly. They settled the alimony issue and made sure the ex wouldn't bother her again. Despite wanting her to stay with them, they agreed that getting her out of Arizona was necessary. She needed a job, so Dad sent her to me. Holly can bring her little squirt, Tempest, with her to the house, clean the house, cook and keep me organized all day and then be home by five and her kiddo never leaves her side. It's the best for everyone.

Especially for me because the woman is a saint! She never complains about me leaving towels on the floor or forgetting to rinse the dishes. She is an amazing cook and she sticks to my very strict diet without complaint, and she even gets creative with what she makes. I couldn't be happier with her.

Finding the note on the kitchen counter with heating instructions for my meal, I read through the information she left for me on top of the stack of mail and set my gym bag down on the floor. Food first, then I'll deal with the rest.

Putting my food in the microwave, I set the timer, and grab a bottle of water. My priority is my job, my body is a huge part of that. If I don't take care of myself correctly, I can't play at my top level. If I want to get a better contract offer after my rookie contract is up, I have to prove I'm worth it. The Bradford name isn't enough.

I've got tapes to watch while I eat. I plan on making some notes on how to improve my skills, and what I need to learn from my dad's tapes and grandpa's tapes. It doesn't matter that they're old. They still played at the top of their game. It shows how they played. I want to look just like they did.

And I don't want to waste my time thinking about marketing and contracts. That's why I have a manager. The best in the business. But I still get all kinds of messages and garbage that comes in during the day. I wish I had an assistant to deal with this stuff but I'm just a rookie on a rookie contract. I don't make that kind of money yet. Not that I couldn't use my inheritance to hire someone. I could but that's not the way I was brought up.

Mom and Dad didn't use the money that Great Gran left them. It's still sitting in their account earning more money. Dad didn't even use the money he made from the league. He only used what he made from endorsements and the restaurant. They have everything they need and they made sure that I did too.

They taught me how to manage my money. They made a point of telling me that I wasn't to go crazy when I got my first contract because it wasn't going to last. Dad said I should put it away and get a few endorsements, good ones that I can be proud of. Dylan helped me find some.

He got me two long term endorsements contracts and I've been working with them for three months now. The companies I work with are great and they have good reputations. Between them and the family's Play60 program, I'm way ahead of the other rookie out there.

I could have saved some money and stayed at Point Conception with Grandma Em and Grandpa Blake. They would have loved to have me there but I wanted my own space. A place where I wasn't getting interrupted or woken up when I needed rest. Grandpa understood.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Where stories live. Discover now