"The hell did freaky face Do t'my boyfriend?!" He asked.

He retracted all of his arms from Husk and the both sat up, Husk groaned.

"Nothing babe, he just threatened me that's all." He assured.

Angel squinted.

"What the hell did he say Husky." He demanded in a serious tone.

Husk shook his head and took a deep breath. He reached for his booze and took a large swig of it before he sat it back in his night stand. He played with his fingers and visibly began to shake with anxiety.

"Husk you got about thirty seconds before I break his door off it's hinges and beat the shit outta him without reason." Angel started cracking his knuckles forcibly and then his neck and shoulders.

Husk sighed.

"Said he should 'rip my soul to shreds and broadcast the screams for all of hell.' that He'd make use you got 'a front row seat'. All cause, I was late." Husk stated.

Angel stood up off the bed his face was hot with Angel and he stormed out of Husk's room dispite Husk yelling at him and grabbing his arm to stop him.

Angel licked the door across the hall down and grabbed The Radio Demon by his jacked collar and pinned him to a wall.

"Threaten my fuckin boyfriend again Muthafucker and I'll use holy bullets next time you Miserable whiney cunt!" He yelled before pulling out his fifth and sixth arms holiday gun. While one of his hands let go of his collar to punch Alastor's in the face.

Charlie heard the yelling and ran down the hallway.

"Webs! I'm fuckin fine! Calm-" Husk begged.

"What the hell is going on?!" She yelled cutting off the cat demon. Leith, Cherri, Claire, and Niffty, ran up the stairs at the commotion. She pushed past Husk entering the Alastor's room.

Angel let go of the deer immediately, he fell harshly.

"Oh I'll tell ya what happened. You're trusty, washed up 'hotelier' or whatever he wants to claim he is, threatened ya god damn bartender and my fuckin boyfriend!" He yelled in Cherri's face still pissed off.

Charlies's eyes widened. Her horns came out and she started levitating again.

"YOU FUCKIN WHAT?!"  Her voice was distorted it cought everyone including Leith off guard.

Alastor looked at the princess of hell shivering with fear. His face was blanked like a deer in headlights.

She turned around still in the air and pointed to Husk.

"I still got your permission right?" She asked.

Husk nodded violently. Angeldust raised an eyebrow and scratched his head.

"Permission for what?" He wondered quietly not expecting to be heard.

"For that!" Leith stated. Pointing at her.

"Let's see if I still need that fuckin book!"

She snapped her fingers. If husk and Alastor had a contract it should have appeared, but there wasn't one. Instead the chain around Husk's neck appeared. He looked petrified and shaked even worse now.

Angeldust turned to him looking as if he could cry.

"Husky!" His voice broke.

Charlie was taken back she didn't expect that to happen and she didn't know what to do.

Leith looked at her.

"Remember what ya dad said!" He said offering words of encouragement.

He glanced over at Alastor who was about to transform but Leith was faster. He landed on the deer and kept him pinned to the floor.

"I've been waiting to taste venison since the day I met you." He threatened.

Charlie wasn't paying attention to them because had to stay focused.

"Please let this work." She begged.

She snapped her fingers. Everyone shut their eyes except Leith.

There was a soud of metal snapped and then hitting the floor with a clank.

Everyone opened their eyes.

Husk hesitated for a minute. He felt a weight lift off his shoulder and he was longer in uniform, he wore a black bow tie red suspenders and black pants.

"I'm free?!" He question looking down at himself. "Oh fuck yeah I'm free!"

Leith thought about it for a moment.

"Imma let ya die slow, old man."  He stated.  Alastor's physical form wasn't old but he was in hell a loooooooooooong time.

He lifted the defenseless deer in the air. Charlie's body was drained she fell to the floor but Angeldust's caught her and sat her on the floor her back against Alastor's bed.

"You did good Char-ly." He assured patting her shoulder with one of his lower hands.

Leith held the Radio Demon in a full nelson while husk lunged at him with the brass knuckles on. It felt so fuckin good to give Al a taste of his own medicine. He bit the deer more times than he could remember.

"I can eat him now right?" Leith asked after  Husk finally stopped.

The cat was out of breath. Angel ran over to him and hugged him. He hugged back.

Angel kept his lower arms around Husk and placed his top two on the cat's shoulders looking down at him.

"You're okay?" He asked before stroking Husk's face with the back of his fingers.

Husk nodded hugging the spider tighter.

On the other side of Alastor's bed. Leith devoured him, nobody really seemed to notice though because they were all shocked and chatting amongst themselves.

"Deer meat is SO FUCKIN GOOD BRO! Well worth the wait!" He yelled while chewing loudly.

Still nobody payed attention while Alastor was screaming in pain from being eaten alive.

"How ya likes screams now bitch?!" Husk asked.

Everyone laughed.

Later on Charlie called her father to come renovate Alastor's now empty and very blood stained room.

The rest of the hotel went out to Husk's casino. Anything they did Husk covered. Though Angeldust wouldn't let him know he paying for himself. He did let Husk buy him a drink so he didn't catch on. But, Husk already knew and basically reverse pit pocketed Angeldust.  He put $500 in Angel's pocket not knowing exactly how much the spider spent.

Do or Die,  a Huskerdust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now