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Burnout was something everyone experienced. When you are just so exhausted from overworking yourself that you just want to crawl up in a ball and die. It was one of the worst emotions. And that's what vaggie was feeling.

Currently, huddled up in her office, she was doing research on the radio demon, still not being able to trust him. How could she trust someone who had killed famous overloads before? She needed to do as much research as possible. There was no way that he could just disappear and then just come back like nothing happened.

So, she locked herself in her office, not wanting to stop working for anything. She would leave every once in a while, only for bathroom visits when she could barely hold it anymore. Her back, neck, shoulders, and ass hurt like crazy. It was sore and painful but she suffered through it. She needed to know what Alastor was up to and how she could stop it. She needed to protect Charlie with all her power.

She stretched her back out before turning another page in the giant book she got from the library. She heard a knock on the door to her office. Sighing, she got up to go open it.

"Hey, baby," Charlie stood in the doorframe.

"Hey, Charlie, what's up?" Vaggie tiredly asked. Charlie looked at her with worried eyes, seeing her eyebags.

"H-how long have you been cooped up in here. I know you weren't in bed this morning..." she said.

"Uhh," Vaggie looked at the wall on her clock, "About 8 hours?"

"You definitely need a break, come on," Charlie gestured her to step out of the room.

"Sorry, hun, but no. I have more research to do," Vaggie grumbled, shutting the door before Charlie could respond.

Charlie frowned. Vaggie wasn't taking care of herself and needed a break. It wasn't okay or healthy. She didn't want her girlfriend to have these unhealthy habits. She just needed a way to help her relax without her getting snappy. Then she got an idea. Running back to her room, she quickly grabbed vaggie's little bag and a onesie and ran back.

Instead of knocking again, she just walked in. she saw Vaggie huddled down at her desk, a hand holding up her head. She took out Vaggie's teddy bear that had a little pirate outfit on it.

"Yarg! I think Vaggie needs a break! Come battle my pirate crew instead of working!" Charlie said in a pirate voice while holding the bear in front of her face.

"Charlie, I don't need to regress right now," Vaggie sighed and pushed away the bear. In her mind, she desperately wanted to grab the bear and cuddle it while sucking on her thumb, but her big mind told her no and that it would be a waste of time.

"Is vaggie waggie gwumpy~" Charlie babytalked her, ruffling her hair. Vaggie's little brain got pissed. She wasn't grumpy!

"M not gwumpy!" Vaggie snapped, her little mind very offended by this.

"It's okay, sweetie, I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings. But i do think it's nap time," Charlie picked Vaggie up, who tried to squirm.

"No! Wanna wowk more! Not sweepy!" she yelled, unconsciously rubbing her eye

"You don't need to take a nap if you don't want to. But you will be taking a break," Charlie said. Vaggie grumbled but let her bounce her on her hip until she felt a bit better. She then put a towel on the ground and began to change Vaggie out of her big kids pants and into her diaps. She was pretty fussy but she was able to get her padding taped up. She helped her get changed into her onesie as well.

Once she was done, she set Vaggie on the floor and got out some paper and crayons. She wanted her to do something small and relaxing instead of playing, trying to coax her to take a nap. Since she had summoning powers, she summoned a bottle of warm milk, something that almost always helped her sleep. Vaggie latched onto it once she set it in front of her. She drew pictures of pirates and other things for a while until she really started to get sleepy.

When Charlie caught her dozing off on the floor, she picked her up and carried her and her stuffy into their bedroom. She tucked her in their huge bed, booping her paci when she was done. Vaggie didn't make any fuss while this happened, which was pretty surprising. She must've really tuckered herself out with all that research.

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