~The Caregiver Snake~

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Pentious takes care of Charlie

requested by cute_sweetangel234


Sir pentious was slithering around the hotel. He was just going for a quick walk because it was a free day. That meant no activities were planned for the day. So, being bored, he just went for a slither.

As he was passing by the lobby, he found Charlie in the middle of the carpet in the common area. She was wearing a color block shirt with red and yellow shortalls. She was playing with dinosaur toys as well.

"Dear, what are you doing? He slithered up to her.

"M Playing. Vaggie not home so I small by myself," she babbled, not looking up from her toys.

Pentious knew that Charlie regressed. Everyone did. She said it was a good coping mechanism and tried to get everyone on board or to at least try it out but no one could really get into the headspace. Everyone except Vaggie felt awkward or weird. So they stopped early. But that didn't stop Charlie from regressing on her own time.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I'm 3!" she said. Frank the egg tried to sit down and play dinosaurs with her too but she got extremely protective.

"No! My dinos!" She pushed him away. He got sad but gave up trying to play with her.

"Sssweetie, why don't you ssshhare?" he sat down the best he could.

"B-but, these awe my dino's. Vaggie gave d'em to me," She explained. She didn't want one of the eggs breaking them or getting them dirty. They were hers! No one else could have them. Vaggie gave them to her.

"But, Dear, if you ssshare, you can make frank happy. I promisssse he's not going to ruin them," He said. He knew he could turn this into a lesson on kindness. It was important to share. He learned that from big her.

"O-Okay..." She gave Frank one of her dinosaurs. Frank got really happy and played with them with her. It was actually kind of fun. Pentious watched over them to make sure Frank didn't harm her dinosaur and to make sure Charlie was being safe. She happily squealed when her t-rex won the fight with Frank's triceratops. He obviously let her win because he's a good egg and already knew it was important to keep the kiddo happy.

Then, sir pentious heard a stomach rumble. He just ate, so it wasn't his, and the eggs don't eat so it was definitely Charlies.

"I'm hungwy," she told him.

"Alright, I'll go sssee what we have. Come with me," He helped her get up and the two walked to the kitchen. After fixing her a big kiddo sippy (A spout with no handles) with juice, he looked through the fridge and pantry. He found some mac & cheese and decided it was probably good for her to have. They were even shaped like rainbows. So he followed the instructions on the box and asked Charlie how she liked her macaroni.

"I like em soft!" she said, sitting at the counter and waiting for her food.

Once he was finished, he served it up in a plastic bright red bowl. She happily ate it, pointing out how the rainbows were so cool because inside of every demon was a big, beautiful rainbow. Honestly, he had no idea how this earth stuff got into hell. Maybe those imps who do that earth killing business imported some stuff.

Even though it was weird seeing her like this, Pentious couldn't help be feel in awe. It made him happy to know that what he was doing was making someone's day better. As he pushed her on the swings in the back of the hotel, she even told him that he was a great babysitter. He almost fucking cried. That was the best compliment he's ever gotten in all of his years in hell. So in the end, he felt good that he made her day. Maybe he truly would be able to go to heaven.


Here's a picture of her playing with her dinosaurs

Here's a picture of her playing with her dinosaurs

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