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Vaggie gets stressed and slips in front of everyone at the hotel. Charlie quickly explains whats going on and they all help her out

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Things didn't often stress Vaggie. She was resilient, calm and collected. It was just how she was. She was able to keep her cool in stressful situations. Now was not one of those times.

Vaggie paced the floor as she tried to come up with ideas about commercializing the hotel. Her brain wasn't working and she was in a tough ideas block. Everything that they thought would work, didn't. She couldn't stop obsessing and spiraling over this problem. Charlie and the rest of the residents watched from the bar. Charlie had a worried look on her face but knew it wouldn't be good to interrupt her.

Vaggie's love life was practically at stake. She needed to come up with ideas or Charlie will see herself as a failure and try to block Vaggie out. She couldn't fail Charlie. She needed to come up with something before it was too late.

"Ya think she'll drill a hole in the floor?" Angel joked. Charlie didn't seem to find it funny like rest did. She hadn't seen her girlfriend that morning so she could only assume she pulled an all nighter. It was worrisome.

"Angel, this is serious. She's stressing herself out," Charlie told him. He just scoffed and took a sip from his drink.

Vaggie hadn't even realized how much she was sweating. Her breathing was heightened and she was subconsciously making whimpering noises. Not knowing, her headspace ended up dropping. She hadn't even noticed that her thumb had made its way into her mouth. Her brain was so done and exhausted. She didn't want to think about anything anymore. Why couldn't she just get a break! She whimpered louder and began stomping. Her brain was like static on a television. It was making her so frustrated! She wanted to hit and punch something but also wanted a nap at the same time.

"Why is miss Vaggie sucking on her thumb?" Nifty asked particularly no one.

Charlie had looked away for a second but then looked back and saw her very obviously slipping.

It wasn't long before Vaggie gave up trying to compose herself and threw herself onto the ground and began sobbing. Wailing even. She didn't even care that everyone was watching. She needed to get this pent up energy out of her system and the only way she could do it was with bawling.

Charlie knew it was time to step in now. She ran up to her and tried to calm her down.

"Baby, it's okay, it's okay," She softly affirmed in a soothing voice. Hugging her, she rubbed her back and played with her hair.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Husk asked his buddies at the bar. Angel shrugged, Sir pentious shook his head and Nifty stared into space.

The group just waited patiently for Charlie to calm Vaggie down before they walked over to them.

"What'sss going on," Sir pentious asked. Charlie looked up from the floor where she was hugging Vaggie.

"Vaggie regressed and is now in littlespace. She got too stressed and her mindset is basically now a toddler. It's just how she copes," She explained. Vaggie whimpered and clung tighter to her, having her eyes shut tight.

"I see now... what can we do ta help?" Angel asked. He was genuinely concerned for his friend, even if they didn't get along often.

"If one of you guys could go upstairs and grab her little items bag, that would be amazing. Its under the bed," Charlie said. Sir Pentious went to grab it for them while everyone else would try to comfort her.

"Hey sweetie? Can you look up at me for a second?" Charlie asked. Vaggie looked up at her, still a bit scared, "No one is gonna judge you. They accept you, hon, its okay. You can be little," Charlie assured her. She slowly loosened her concrete grip.

"Heya toots. How ya feeling? Ya gave us quite a scare," Angel kneeled down to meet her eyes. He made sure he didn't look or act threatening.

Husk was honestly surprised how accepting Angel was of this. He never expected him to be good with kids, let alone a toddler.

"M bette'w," She skeptically responded. Sir pentious came down the stairs with the bag in his hands. He gave it to charlie and she gave Vaggie her pacifier and her stuffy. She giggled happily but still felt awkward regressing in front of them. Now that she wasn't in meltdown mode, she was aware of the people around her.

"Husk, can you put on one of kid's movies VHS's?" Charlie asked. He nodded and went over to the television and dug out VHS's from the drawer. As Nifty filled up her sippy, Charlie went into the bathroom to change Vaggie into comfy onesie and cute gloves.

When they came back from the bathroom, everyone was sitting in front of the tv. Nifty had a sippy cup ready for Vaggie that was filled with warm milk, Husk picked out a kid friendly movie, and Angel was just waiting on the couch. Sir Pentious was a bit nervous that he would scare her so he decided to opt out of the movie. He knew what he looked like and knew it could be scary for a child.

As they watched the movie, Vaggie felt herself become more relaxed with them. At first she was horrified that they would judge her and now was more comfortable. It was nice having supportive friends. She wished she did when she was in heaven.

Charlie And Vaggie Age Regression oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now