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Lilith returns to talk with her daughter about rebelling against heaven. however, Charlie is so excited to see her mother that she slips while hugging her. 

requested by HaleyPowell082


Charlie paced around the lobby, muttering words that no one could decipher. Vaggie watched nervously, wondering if she should intervene. She was still really nervous and scared about everything since it was only a couple of weeks since the battle.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. That could be a new guest! She quickly combed through her messy hair with her fingers before rushing over to the door. She opened it up with a smile,

"Hello- Mom?!" Charlie let out a gasp. There, in front of her, stood her mother who had been gone for seven years. Oh how Charlie had missed her. Many nights she would stay up late, thinking about when she would return. It made her eyes start to water. She rammed her face into her upper stomach (Lilith is taller than her in this) and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Mommy, you came back!" her childish, regressed tone showed. That meant she was slipping really fast.

"Erm, Charlotte? Aren't you a little old to be calling me that?" Lilith asked, trying to pry the girl off of her as she walked in.

Lucifer spit out his apple cider into husk's face when he saw her. He just wanted to drink and complain to the bartender. He didn't expect to see his ex-wife.

"Ah, Lucifer..." Lilith saw him in the corner of her eye and walked over.

"Lilith..." they stared at each other for what felt like forever. Charlie was currently clinging to her leg while half of her body was being dragged on the floor

"Can you help get Charlotte off of me?" She asked.

"First of all, she goes by Charlie now, second, you've been gone for seven years! She's bound to miss you," He retorted, pouring himself another drink. Husk didn't even bat an eye. He's seen weirder shit.

"Whatever, can't you just help?"

"Noo! I dun wanna w'et go!" Charlie yelled at Lucifer when he tried to lightly tug her off. His daddy senses went off and knew that his little girl was now regressed. He crouched down to meet her face.

"Hey, it's okay, sweetie, can you tell me how old you are?" he asked in a soft gentle voice. She took one arm off and held up 1 finger.

Lilith felt utterly embarrassed. There was no way that her daughter was an age regressor.

"No, You're 124, you should act like it," She snarled. She hated regressors. They were weak and weird. She wasn't about to just stand by while her daughter was becoming that. How would the public react to the princess of hell being such a baby?

"Mama?" Charlie looked up with sad, teary eyes. Did- did she not like her? Was she too weird for her? Was that why she left?!

Charlie's breathing started to pick up and she let go of Lilith's leg. Lucifer scooped her up and gently rocked her. She had her head buried in the crook of his neck.

"Well, she's feeling 1 right now. She's an age regessor. Age regression is wh-"

"Yeah, I know what it is, Lucifer. Its fucking pathetic. A princess shouldn't act like that it. It isn't proper," Lilith replied. This made Charlie hysterical. She sobbed and wailed uncontrollably. Lucifer tried to calm her down but it was when Lilith was making looks of disgust.

"You and i are going to have a talk later, but right now, I need to calm down our strong, amazing, and not pathetic daughter," He told her before walking off.

"Damn, this is getting really good" Angel commented. He and Husk were eating popcorn in the bar, watching the whole thing happen. Lilith just rolled her eyes and went to sit on the couch. Vaggie really wanted to stab or at least threaten that woman, but knew it would be best if she just let Lucifer talk to her. She needed to control her temper.

Once Lucifer got up to the Little room, he sat in his rocking chair and held Charlie close while she cried.

"W-w-why she n-not w'ike m-me?!" she wailed and hiccuped. Lucifer could tell she was really hurt by her words.

"Sh, shh, Don't listen to her sweetie. Some people are going to be meanies in this world but we just have to ignore them," He tried calming her down.

After more snot and tears ruined the collar of his coat, she managed to calm down a bit. He floated her stuffed ducky and Stuffed Dazzle plush (Just a stuffy that looks like Dazzle) over and handed them to her. She held them, feeling the calming, soft texture of their fur. Dazzle's horn had somehow found its way into Charlie's mouth and she began to suck on it. He summoned her rainbow pacifier and popped it in her mouth so she wouldn't get any nasty germs in her immune system. Hellborn could get sick and since Charlie didn't really... interact with the outside a lot, she didn't have the best immune system.

"Hey, Duckie, you still awake?" He whispered. Not getting an answer, he decided to take her over to the nursery and laid her down in the crib-like bed. He tucked her in, giving her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room. He is going to have one stern talk with Lilith.

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