Lost and found Part 4

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TW: Suicide and bad mental institutes.

A couple of weeks had passed since Carmilla claimed Vaggie as her daughter. When she had aged back up sometime during these weeks, she was extremely apologetic and embarrassed. She felt ashamed for having to use that coping mechanism but Carmilla told her it was okay. What did worry her was that she wanted to do all the wound cleaning and bandaging by herself. When Carmilla asked if she knew how to do it, she quickly said yes and sprinted off.

Ever since vaggie did her own stuff, she seemed to stop healing and was going backwards. Carmilla noticed how she struggled to walk, she would silently complain about headaches, and have really bad eye and back pain. So one day, Carmilla decided she would talk to her about it. She walked into Vaggie's room but had the worst timing because she was in the middle of changing her bandages with her back facing Carmilla. And oh boy did those injuries look infected as fuck. There was puss and it was inflamed and really red.

"Vaggie?! Why didn't you tell me about this," Carmilla ran up to her, causing Vaggie to flinch and cover her body up.

"I- I had it under control!" Vaggie tried to say but Carmilla wasn't taking it.

"Nu-unh, don't lie to me. We're going to the hospital,"

Vaggie stopped breathing for a second. The last time someone said that she was stuck in a mental hospital for 5 months until she jumped out the 6th story window, landing her in heaven. She didn't want to be stuck there again. Would she need to commit suicide just to get out again? she didn't want to go through that again.

"No! I'm not going there!" Vaggie yelled. She gasped for air and stumbled to a corner, trying to catch her breath.

"Sweetie, take some deep breaths. The hospital will help you," Carmilla kept her calm and spoke softly to her.

"No it won't! It didn't help last time!" Vaggie screamed at her, tugging her hair.

"What? We never went to the hospital together before," the older lady stated. She was pretty confused.

"When I was alive, my stupid parents took me there for being mentally retarded and I was stuck there for 5 months! They-they paid the nurses to keep me there!" She panicked. Carmilla didn't want her to rip her hair out and grabbed her stuffed bear off of her bed and handed it to her. She squeezed the bear tight.

"Vaggie, we are NOT going to that type of hospital, okay? This is just a doctor's visit. I will not be paying anyone to keep you there," The older woman promised.

"Y-you won't?" Vaggie asked.

"I promise I won't," she replied. The small girl held out her pinky finger.

"Pinky pwomise?" Carmilla held out her pinky and curled it around her's

"Pinky promise." she confirmed.

Getting Vaggie changed was a bit hard. Everything hurt her back. Putting her diaper on was the worst part because she had to lay down on her back. But she managed to do it. Once tying her shoes and packing the diaper bag. Vaggie curled up in the backseat of the car with her plushie tucked in her arms.

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