~📝Too busy📝~

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Summary: Charlie needs to get some paperwork done but Vaggie needs to be little. the stress from the paperwork causes her to snap at Vaggie, who just wanted attention.


It wasn't usual that Charlie was in a bad mood. She usually was really happy and positive. Thinking optimistically was practically her whole personality. But when it came to doing paperwork... she wasn't very good with those things.

Charlie sat in her office, groaning as she read over another piece of paperwork. Being the princess of hell and the only responsible morningstar, she got a lot of paperwork from heaven and hell. Someone was also trying to sue her and she needed to get a lawyer now. Her back hurt from slouching and sitting too long. She really needed a break but she was too busy for that.

Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. She sighed, knowing it was Vaggie. Vaggie was the only one who knocked but she really didn't want to be bothered right now. When she knocked again, a little more frantically, she set her pen down and walked over to the door and opened it. There stood Vaggie, clad in purple overalls and a red pacifier, holding two stuffies in one hand and her little bag in the other.

Charlie knew it wouldn't be good making Vaggie regress alone. The girl could barely change herself, let alone take care of herself. So Charlie led Vaggie in and the girl happily skipped across the office and sat on the floor. Charlie went right back to her seat and got back to work.

Vaggie looked at Charlie with a disappointed look on her face. She wanted Charlie to play with her. She had both of their stuffies so they could play together. She whimpered and crawled over to Charlie's chair. She tugged her sleeve.

"Not now, Vaggie, we can play later," She shooed her off, trying to get back to her work.

Vaggie was still upset but went to play by herself. Reeling that she was frustrated, She decided to draw Charlie a picture. Maybe that'll make her feel better.

Vaggie got out her crayons and paper and began to draw. She drew her and Charlie together in a field with a rainbow in the background. It was so perfect! Charlie would surely feel better.

She crawled back over to her caregiver and tugged on her sleeve again.

"I'm busy, sweetie," Charlie tried to explain, not looking away from her papers.

"Bu' I drew dis..." she tried to show it to her. Charlie was really starting to lose her patience. This work needed to get done and if she paid attention to her, it would make her completely forget about her work.

"Good job, it looks great," She barely glanced at it. Vaggie was now starting to get frustrated. Why wasn't she paying attention to her?! What could possibly be more important? Maybe she was just being annoying. So Vaggie crumpled up the drawing and threw it on the ground before going to cuddle her stuffies.

The work was really starting to get to Charlie. She found herself easily getting annoyed with Vaggie. That almost never happened. But the more stress she was under, the more she didn't act like herself. Her horns started to peek through her hair but they weren't fully out yet.

Vaggie really wanted attention at this point. It was now more than 30 minutes since Charlie even looked at her. So, she figured that Charlie had worked enough and needed to pay attention to her. She crawled back over and tugged at her sleeve again.

"Vaggie! Can't you just play quietly and leave me alone?!" She snapped. Her breathing was heavy and you could easily tell she was frustrated.

Vaggie's lip quivered and started to bawl. Why was she so mad at her? She just wanted Charlie to give her hugs and kissies. She was probably being too annoying and irritated her. It was all her fault that Charlie was mad at her. She was too clingy. Maybe she would give her a time out. It's what she deserves.

Right when Vaggie started crying was when Charlie realized what she did. She had just yelled at her little one and told her to leave her alone. Why was she so mean?! She didn't mean to say it that way.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean it like that," Charlie tried to calm her little one down but Vaggie kicked her away. What if she would yell at her again for crying? She said she was sorry but what if that's a trick?

Charlie really felt bad. What she had said really hurt Vaggie. She knew Vaggie had sensory problems and self-worth issues, why would she say that?!

"I'm really sorry, sweetie... Look! Its a ducky!" She pulled a rubber duck out of her pocket and showed it to her, trying to cheer her up. However, vaggie still kept on crying.

Charlie looked around the room to try and find something that'll calm her down when she spotted a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor. She uncrumpled the paper and looked at it. It was a picture of the two of them with a rainbow in the background. At the bottom it say "to: mama/Charlie" and it had a little heart at the end too. Realizing how much she hurt her yet again, she calmly re-approached Vaggie.

"Hey, I like your drawing. The rainbow is awesome! And you drew us perfectly! They look exactly like us. I love it, sweetheart," She held up the drawing to show what she was talking about. Vaggie looked at it with hope in her eyes. Charlie really did feel sorry. Vaggie's crying started to transform into whimpers and sniffles. She looked down and made grabby hands, wanting a hug. Luckily Charlie knew what this command was and pulled Vaggie into her lap and embraced the small girl.

"How about this... I move my stuff to the coffee table and you can sit on my lap while I work on the couch. Is that a good compromise?" Charlie offered. Vaggie hesitated, thinking about it.

"nd' a piece a candy 'oo?" She haggled. Charlie sighed light heartedly and smiled.

"Okay, and a piece of candy," She stood up and set Vaggie on the couch before moving her stuff to the coffee table. On the top shelf, out of Vaggie's reach, was a jar of chocolates, sour candies, and fruity ones.

"You want chocolate or non-chocolate?" She asked, grabbing the jar.

"Choco!" Vaggie cheered.

Charlie grabbed a piece of chocolate and handed it to the short and small girl. She happily took it and shoved into her mouth.

The rest of the hour consisted of Vaggie napping in Charlie's lap while she did her paperwork, Charlie taking a break and playing with her, as well as Vaggie drawing Charlie all kinds of pictures. Charlie just really hoped that what she said wouldn't stick to Vaggie.

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