~Lost and Found Again Again~

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Chapter three!


Getting Vaggie back to sleep was pretty easy. The only problem was that she was now stuck. Since she couldn't get back to her bedroom, she pulled out her phone. After ordering a couple of adult pacifiers, bed rails, and a few baby items to be delivered later that day, she shut off her phone and laid her head back. She grew so close to this girl within the first day of knowing her. It was strange but she didn't look further into it. However, she couldn't stop thinking about how scared Vaggie seemed to be of Adam or getting in trouble. She started to think that maybe she was forced into killing souls with threat of punishment if they didn't do so. It scared her just to think about. Now that she realized it, she remembered seeing a few bruises on her body.

Before long, the sun came up and shined through the windows, waking Vaggie up. She stirred and yawned a bit before stretching.

"Hey, did you sleep well?" Carmilla asked.

"Mhm, no bad dweams." She answered, tiredly.

"Good," Carmilla pet her head, "Your bandages need to be changed," She pointed out. Now being able to get out of the bed, she walked over to the bathroom and came back with clean bandages. She set Vaggie in her lap to begin with her back.

"Can you tell me a bit about your life in heaven? You don't have to if it'll make you feel bad," Carmilla asked as she began to unravel the bandages on Vaggie's back

"Mk... was bad. I didn't wike it. 'Dam was mean. He hit me whenever I fall behind..." Vaggie could feel herself starting to age back up. She so badly wanted to stay small, but thinking about this made her start to feel big.

"Dun wanna talk about it 'nymore," she said, trying to keep small. If she aged up, there was a big chance she could experience regression block and she didn't want that.

"I'm sorry, bebe, you're safe here. All I want is for you to recover," Carmilla assured her as she finished up her back. Once she was done there, she moved onto her eye. Luckily the pain meds were still working. When she finished with those bandages, she gave Vaggie a kiss on her forehead, trying to make her feel better.

"m sorry..." Vaggie mumbled.

"What for, sweetie?" Carmilla asked. At this point, this girl was now her daughter.

"I bad. Was mean to your people..." Vaggie curled her knees to her chest.

"Its okay, you realized it was wrong, didn't you?" She clarified. If the girl could realized she was in the wrong, then that meant she truly was sorry.

"Mhm. spared a few lives..." The small girl answered. She had spared a few kids in the past but would only get a harsh slap to the face whenever she would. she guessed Lute and Adam had enough of her when she saved that cannibal kid.

"And you apologized. I think that deserves at least a little bit of forgiveness," Carmilla said. This made Vaggie feel a bit better. Unfortunately, her guilt passed over into her little thoughts, but the kind words of Carmilla helped them fade.

Suddenly, a loud growl erupted. Vaggie blushed. She hadn't eaten since yesterday morning. Even then, she barely touched her food. She was too nervous to really eat.

"Is little one hungry?" Carmilla asked. She nodded slightly. So, the overlord got out of bed and made her way to the door.

"I'll be back in just a little bit. Please, stay in bed, you're not in the best shape to be up and about, bebe," She said before getting an 'okay' nod from Vaggie. She needed to make breakfast but was a little worried that Vaggie would try to get up if she was gone. Though, she told herself that she was a good listener and would hopefully obey.

As Vaggie waited, she couldn't help but become more and more anxious as time went on and no show from Carmilla. Did she abandon her? It made sense, Vaggie did kill tons of her people. She would abandon herself too. More and more anxious thoughts went on. She felt the walls start caving in around her. Her chest felt constricted and it was difficult to breathe.

She threw the covers off and swung her legs over the bed. As she tried to stand, the pain in her back flared up and she collapsed back into bed. She whimpered and hid her face in her knees.

She heard the door open and saw Carmilla standing there with a bowl of porridge and her bottle with a bit of juice in it.

"Mami!" Vaggie, with tears running down her face, made grabby hands for her caregiver. She was breathing heavily, as if she just ran a race.

Carmilla immediately put the bowl and bottle on the nightstand and pulled Vaggie in her arms and bounced her on her hip.

"I thought you w'eft me!" Vaggie cried, hiccuping while tears and snot ran down her cheeks and lip. Carmilla grabbed a tissue and cleaned up her face. She rubbed her back, trying to calm her down.

"Shh, its okay, I'm not leaving you, I just needed to make you some num-nums," She explained. This helped a little bit but she was still hiccuping a lot and close to hyperventilating.

After being bounced a bit, she calmed down and was set back down in her bed. Carmilla noticed her diaper was a bit saggy, indicating that it recently was wet. So she decided she would change her after feeding her.

Feeding her was pretty easy, no tantrums or meltdowns at all. However, when it came to changing her, the girl was obviously pretty uncomfortable. Even though she put down many pillows to support her back while she laid on the ground, that didn't stop her from crying out. Carmilla kept apologizing the whole time. Luckily she was quick to chill out after she was set back in bed.

The girl took lots of naps for the rest of the day. Whenever she wasn't Carmilla was doing her best to try to entertain her without Vaggie straining herself. All of her little gear came a little bit after lunch, which helped keep her busy when she wasn't sleeping. Though Carmilla practically lost voice by the end of the day due to how many books she read. The girl was a little bookworm and loved the stories.

Vaggie was still feeling small about a week later when she was starting to walk again. She was crawl a lot but at least she wasn't bound to her bed. Carmilla and her daughters helped her out a lot during this stage of recovery.

Multiple times she would age back up for a couple of minutes and be extremely embarrassed. Though, Carmilla would explain that she was an absolute angel to take care of and didn't mind her little side. She told her that she could stay little as long as she needed to. And so, Vaggie did. Whenever she felt small, she allowed herself to regress. She was feeling the best she's ever felt mentally.

Since angels tended to heal fast, she was able to walk fine in no time and no longer needed a bandage over her eye. Clara had made her an eyepatch because she was a bit self-conscious of her scarred eye socket. She really appreciated it.

Over the couple of days, Vaggie had become a carmine and learned many lessons about hell. But most importantly, she finally felt accepted.

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