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Finn's POV

To say I'm nervous about today would be an understatement. I'm so worried that Alexa will decide that she doesn't like me once she's spent time with me.

I know that she loved me when we were younger, just as I loved her, but I can't get the thought of her now hating me out of my head.

It's probably stupid, but it's a genuine concern. All of my other siblings, except Freya, seemed the same at the start. They all loved me, and spent a lot of time with me. But over time, they grew more distant and began hating me. I just hope that doesn't happen with Alexa.

I know she's a lot different than the rest of us, but I just can't seem to focus on anything other than that, regardless of Freya's attempts at reassuring me.

I walk into the living room, and look out the window. I see Nik and Alexa walking down the driveway. Well, Nik was walking, Alexa was on his back, laughing, while my brother just looked unamused, but carried on talking anyway.

I chuckled at that, seeing the two together. It seemed they had a special bond, one none of the rest of us could even begin to understand. I'm not complaining though. It's nice to see this side of Niklaus again, after all this time. He was completely broken when we lost her, and I still think that part of the reason he is the way he is, was because of that loss.

My head turns sharply when I hear the door opening. I'd gotten lost in my own thoughts for a few moments, and in that time, they'd reached the house.

"Hi Finn!" she came running over and hugged me, standing on her toes so she could reach me better.

I sort of melted into the hug, not used to any of my siblings showing me any affection, apart from Freya, occasionally.

"Hi Alexa," I replied, returning the hug after a moment. I heard Nik exiting the room, leaving only the two of us standing there.

She pulled away, heading to sit on the sofa. I sat beside her, looking down at my lap, not knowing what to say.

"So, how've you been?" she asks me in a gentle tone. I can feel her gaze on me, so I turn my head to meet it.

"I've been good, thank you. How have you been?" I answer, smiling when she grins at me. I couldn't help it. Her smile is contagious. When she's happy, it just makes you want to be happy along with her.

As we carry on the conversation, I learn more about her, as she tells me stories from her life over the past nine years. I tell her about myself too, talking about everything from being a vampire, our siblings, being daggered, Sage, what it was like all those years ago, etc, etc.

She listens intently, actually listening to what I'm saying. She asks about Sage, and smiles when she sees that talking about her makes me happy. I tell her how I've decided to go and find her once she's settled into the family.

Alexa offers to come with me, explaining that she wants to meet Sage, after all the things I've said about her.

We talk for ages, not realising the time until Rebekah comes into the room to ask if we were ever going to come for something to eat. I look to the clock above the large fireplace and see that it's already 1.49pm.

I'm surprised at how long we've been talking. I don't normally talk to anyone for this amount of time, maybe except for Sage. Alexa was just so easy to talk to.

She stood and grabbed my arm, pulling me with her, following our sister into the kitchen. We sit at the island with everyone else, and begin talking with them all. Not long later, I'm being dragged into the back garden by my little sister, heading for the garden sofa's towards the back.

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