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I walked back over to where Nik stood, standing by his side once again. I already felt a lot more comfortable around my siblings than I did before.

"Don't feel bad if she doesn't remember you straight away, like she said, it took a week for her to remember me fully," Nik said, probably trying to make Freya and mainly Elijah feel slightly better.

I nodded in agreement, looking between the two that I hadn't remembered at first.

"So, do you want to tell everyone what you was doing when you hugged each of us, or do you want me to?" Freya spoke up, making me turn my head to face her as quickly as I can manage.

I look at her nervously. Was she seriously calling me out for this? I notice the others looking at me weirdly. I keep my gaze on Freya, not saying anything.

She takes my silence as me wanting her to tell them, so she begins explaining.

"When she first hugged Kol, I saw what had happened. She'd been pulled into a memory of the two of them, from before she was put to sleep. She realised what had happened pretty much straight away, I could tell. When she hugged Elijah, and she was snapped out of the memory, she realised her thoughts were confirmed.

I could tell what was going on instantly. Each time she hugged us all, she was shown a different memory of us with her. And I'm guessing that's got something to do with her witch side."

Everyone looked at me with interest once Freya stopped talking. I just smiled shyly at them all.

"Hold on a minute," Kol suddenly said. "You just said her 'witch side' meaning she's a witch?" he directed this part to the oldest sibling. After seeing a nod of conformation, he carried on. "And when she first walked in, Nik called her 'Little Wolf'.." he trailed off, waiting for someone else to realise what he was saying.

"So she's a werewolf as well?" Rebekah asked. "A witch and a werewolf?"

"She's still here," I speak up, rolling my eyes. I smile when the others laugh at me.

Then Nik stepped forward and interrupted the conversation. "Yes, our little Alexandra's a witch and a werewolf. She's also a vampire." Upon seeing everyone's confused looks, he explained further.

"She's a werewolf because Ansel wasn't only my father, but hers too. The gene passed onto her. She's a witch because of our mother, just as Freya, Finn and Kol were. When our mother put her to sleep, she placed the vampirism curse on her too, she just made it dormant, so it would only trigger when she properly dies. So that makes her all three. She's a tribrid."

After Nik's explanation, each Mikaelson turned to look at her in wonder.

"So she's triggered her werewolf side?" Finn asks after a while.

I look at the floor, avoiding everyone's gaze. I feel Nik put his arm over my shoulders, bringing me closer to his side. I turn my head into him, hiding away.

"Yes, she's triggered it. It was an accident, but there was nothing that could be done. She feels awful about it, so please don't bring it up in front of her," I hear Nik say protectively.

"Although, she has complete control over her wolf side, she's got her enhanced abilities perfected, all of the skills I've shown her, she's managed with ease. She's made her shift almost entirely painless, I think last time she turned, she said it was only a dull ache. She's even been drinking wolfsbane, so no one can use it to hurt her." Nik boasts. I can hear the pride in his voice, which makes me lift my head to look up at him.

He looks at me with a huge grin on his face, and I immediately feel better. "The only thing that she really has to do now, is learn how to fight, both in her wolf form, and as a human. Once she's done that, there's nothing left for me to teach her. It's as if she's been a werewolf for years, like she's had decades worth of experience. She only turned for the first time last week."

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