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Third person POV

Alexandra walks inside her house after watching all of her siblings speed away. She heads up the stairs, knowing that her parents would be sat in the living room or the kitchen, while her sisters would be in their bedroom.

She headed towards Amelia and Daphne's room, pushing the door open. Except it wouldn't open.

She looked at the door in confusion, before barging her shoulder against it as hard as she could. As she entered the room, she heard a thud.

Looking around, Alexandra couldn't see her sisters and began to panic. Before she could full on freak out however, she heard a small "OW!"

Alexandra rolled her eyes and closed the door. Sat in a heap on the floor, was her little sisters, wincing in slight pain.

"And what the hell are you two doing?" She asked, trying not to laugh.

"Well, we were practicing our handstands, before you pushed us with the door!" Lia exclaimed, lightly glaring at her older sister.

Alexandra just laughed. "Well it's a bit stupid to do it against the door, isn't it? Anyone could walk in while you're there. I mean, I just did."

Daph rolled her eyes and smiled. "Well we didn't really think of that."

"I noticed," the eldest girl said, still laughing.

Suddenly, Daph's face lit up as she remembered something.

"How was meeting your siblings?" She asked, voice rising in excitement.

"Shh, don't go shouting it out. Mum and dad don't know where I was today, and I have no intention of telling them," Alexandra said, trying to keep the girls quiet.

"Sorry. We won't tell them, promise," Daph quickly said, this time whispering.

"Yeah, we promise," Lia chimed in happily. "So? How was it?" She seemed almost as excited as the youngest girl now.

A huge smile broke out on Alexandra's face. She couldn't help it. She had just had so much fun that day, getting to know her siblings more, and she couldn't wait to see them all again.

"It was amazing. They're all completely amazing. I was a bit nervous at first, but Nik was there with me the whole time, and they all got really excited when they realised who I was. We just spent the whole day getting to know each other better, and they were telling me stories from when we were younger, when I was still with them," she rambled, hardly able to contain her delight.

Lia and Daph didn't interrupt, just sat and listened to their sister talk happily. They were so glad that she had found her family, and she was so happy with them. All they want is for her to be happy, and they were ecstatic that she had found that joy with her real family.

Of course the two young girls still absolutely adored their older sister, but they were also very pleased that she was back in control of her life, rather than having their parents decide what she can know and what she can't.

Alexandra carried on talking, telling her sisters all about her day with her family, leaving out all the supernatural parts. She told them of meeting Damon, and become friends with him. She told them of their first meeting, how they all talked and joked around happily the whole day, how she was fully comfortable around them all, and how they had all forgiven past arguments between one another.

The girls carried on listening intently, asking the occasional question, smiling brightly every time their big sister's face lit up, and when she smiled brighter than she was already.

AwakenedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon