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Over the next two days, Alexandra and Niklaus returned back to Mystic Falls and turned. Nik helped Lex to practice using her abilities and different skills she would need to know as a wolf. Each time she turned, she could feel the shift becoming less painful. It didn't decrease by much, but it was no where near as excruciating as the first time.

Within these two days, Lex didn't just perfect all of her enhanced abilities and different skills, she had grown an even stronger bond with her older brother, if that was even possible. Alexandra had noticed that now when she shifted, the pain was only a dull ache around her body, occasionally a few sharp stabbing pains shooting through her arms or legs.

Nik had got his little sister to start drinking wolfsbane as well, so that she could build up an immunity to it, and it couldn't be used against her. It meant that she had one less weakness to worry about, and that made him feel a bit better about her knowing about the supernatural world.

The older Mikaelson sibling watched the younger one with nothing but pride and happiness. He was glad that she seemed to enjoy being a werewolf, and welcomed that part of herself. He'd also noticed how she had almost perfect control over herself.

She had already perfected her enhanced abilities and the different skills he had been teaching her. She had more control over her wolf form than anyone he had seen, especially after only turning for the first time a few days ago. He noticed that her shift was becoming immensely less painful, and that she could barely feel it anymore.

The only thing he really had to teach and help her with now, was learning how to fight in both her wolf and human forms. Other than that, she was perfectly in control. She was already acting like she had been a wolf for years and had had loads of practice with it.

Nik couldn't be more proud of her. He'd got her drinking wolfsbane twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the afternoon, and with the way she was learning, he had no problem believing that she would quickly build up an immunity to the herb.

In all honesty, Nik was both surprised and impressed with his sisters progress. He had never seen someone so calm, collected and in control before. It brought him a warm sense of joy seeing her being herself and being so happy like that.


"I'm so incredibly proud of you, Little Wolf," Nik told his younger sister once they'd finally turned back once again. They'd already turned at least seven times in the last five hours. "I've never seen someone gain control as quickly as you have."

Upon hearing these words, Alexandra blushed slightly, smiling widely at the compliment. She was pleased that her brother was proud of her, it made her feel like she couldn't do anything wrong whilst by his side.

"Thanks Nik. I honestly wouldn't have been able to cope with this without you," she told him truthfully. She raised her gaze to meet his, her eyes glinting with pure happiness. "I seriously think I would have been completely lost by myself. I know I wouldn't have turned again after the first time, that's for sure."

"I'm glad I've been able to help little sister. I love that this is something that we get to share, to understand what it's like to be a werewolf. None of our other family members ever understood the feeling it brought me when I turned. I'm just happy you know what it's like."

"Me too. It's honestly the best feeling ever. It helps me to feel more connected to you in a way. Even if our family never understood what it feels like to be a wolf, we do. That's what matters. They're the ones missing out. As long as we know, then it doesn't really matter what they think about it." The young girl answered, not noticing the look of both awe and delight on the older siblings face.

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