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The next day

Alexandra woke up at 9.28am, later than normal. She sighed upon seeing the time, gently rolled out of bed and grabbed her clothes for the day, which was a pair of jeans and a cropped white top.

After getting changed and brushing her teeth and hair, she walked downstairs, grabbing a pancake as she entered the kitchen.

"Morning," she greeted her family, sitting at the kitchen island.

"Morning Andy," they all replied, simultaneously.

"That wasn't creepy at all," she joked, earning chuckles from her parents and giggles from her sisters.

"What are you doing today?" Abby asked her adoptive daughter, whilst she made herself a cup of coffee.

"Just hanging out with Ali again," she replied. "What about you, girls? You gonna build another fort?" She asked her sisters, smiling at them.

"We might do later, but first dad's taking us ice skating! He said we can have those polar bears and penguins to lean on so we don't fall over!" Lia exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes! I'm going to have a penguin, and Lia's going to have a polar bear," Daph said happily.

"That sounds exciting, I bet you'll have a lot of fun," Andy told them, earning massive grins in return. She stood and pulled on her jacket, grabbed her phone and began to walk out the door.

"See you all later," she shouted over her shoulder.

"Bye Andy," they chorused, making her roll her eyes and giggle slightly.

As she walked to go meet Ali, Alexandra couldn't help but get a weird feeling in her stomach that she was being watched. She looked around her, but saw no one anywhere near her or looking in her direction. She decided to just ignore the feeling and carry on walking.

Of course, someone was watching her. That someone being Klaus. He'd returned to Beacon Hills an hour ago, waiting for his sister to appear. When he had her in his sight, he began walking behind her, staying hidden in the shadows of the buildings around her.

Alexandra walked into town, spotting Ali coming towards her from the opposite direction. She sped up, embracing her best friend in a hug when they reached each other. As the two began gossiping, she completely forgot about the weird feeling she had had.

That was until she felt it again. It had been a few hours by now, and the two friends had spent the time gossiping about people they knew, and all the latest drama. They had begun winding each other up and had ended up chasing each other around a bench in the middle of the street, trying to escape one another.

Once they had finally calmed down and taken their previous seats, Alexandra had that strange feeling that someone was watching her. She began to feel uneasy, so looked at her surroundings, trying to spot anyone who was behaving in a weird manner.

"Andy? What's wrong? You look kinda freaked out," Ali said, looking at her friend in concern.

"You ever get the feeling that someone's watching you?" she asked quietly. "It felt like it earlier when I was on my way here, and I can feel it again now," she explained.

"I can't see anyone. Are you sure you aren't just imagining it?" Ali questioned, beginning to get nervous herself.

"No, I'm definitely not imagining it. Ali.. Look! Over there, next to the bank!" Andy pointed, spotting a young man watching the two girls from the shadows.

"Are you sure he's looking at us?" she asked cautiously.

"No, he's looking at the freaking easter bunny who's sat right next to us. Yes Ali, he's looking at us. There's no one else at this side of the street." Alexandra stated sarcastically.

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