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We seemed to knock out the defense system, and Rex was about to cut the lines when the Titan halted. 

Rex: It's stopped...?

Mòrag: Yes. Seems like it.

Someone landed on the main deck. Somebody awfully familiar. 

Jin: It's you. I thought it might be.

Kai: Oh I can’t wait to kill this bastard.

Rex: Jin!!!

Mythra: I knew it.

Fan: So this is Jin, leader of Torna. I am Fan la Norne. As envoy of Praetor Amalthus, I am bringing you into custody.

Jin: How ironic. That you should speak his name with that face... Oblivious to everything, even your own identity!

Fan: Wha...?! Do you know something about-?!

Jin: And you, Aegis! Don't you dare stand there, acting like you're not involved in all this!

Mythra: All right. Then tell me this… Why are you, who fought alongside us to defeat Malos, now standing by his side?

Rex: Jin...fought against him...?!

Jin: It's very simple. I realized he had the right of it. That's all.

Mythra: I don't think it's as simple as that at all.

Jin: So clever. You always were too clever for your own good.

Mythra: Sorry, that's just the way I am.

Rex: Mythra, don't tell me-

Mythra: Yes. He's a Blade too. He was the strongest Blade in Torna... until it fell in the war.

Jin: *angrily* "It fell," says the girl who sank it!

Rex: A Blade?

Mythra: There were none stronger… yet none kinder, either. And… no one who hated to fight more than him. Why, Jin? What changed?!

Jin: What if I told you it was your fault?

Mythra: Mine?

Jin: If you hadn't sealed yourself away… Then she'd still...

Mythra: So that's it...

He removed his mask, exposing his entire face. And a crimson Core Crystal set into his forehead. 

Kai: Something’s not right…

Rex: That Core Crystal!

Mythra: That color... It's like...blood.

Brighid: Careful! That Crystal isn't normal.

Fan: Put away your sword. My ability is to restrict a Blade's every action. As long as you are a Blade, there is nothing you can do to escape its clutch.

Rex: Wait, restricting Blades' powers?! Then before - was that...?!

Jin: Go ahead and try.

He drew his sword, which I can only classify as a masamune, and prepared for battle. In response, I drew my sword. Almost hoping that I could take a crack at this guy. Fan did her thing, the glow covering the surrounding area. But Jin was only weakened, his power was far too great for her to make the restriction debilitating. This was still going to go poorly. 

Kai: Come on, call me in. Let me at him. 

Significant damage had been done to the party and to Jin, but Jin looked as if he’d fight through anything. The rest of them, not as good. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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