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We chased after Mòrag for I don’t even know how long. We eventually witnessed a very polite entry into a rather expensive looking room. And when I say polite entry, I mean she damn near knocked the door off of its hinges. Although Rex and the others may have fallen behind a little…

Roderich: *to himself* Who?! Who's responsible for this?! Preparations are still ongoing, if we attack now we could-

Mòrag: *angry*  What have you done, Senator Roderich?

This guy damn near jumped out of his skin

Roderich: *scared* Special Inquisitor?! What are you doing here?

Mòrag: The Emperor ordered that the dig be halted. He was very specific, Senator. If you've restarted it, you have violated His Majesty's will.

Roderich: *indignant* The Emperor doesn't understand Mor Ardain's urgent lack of resources. This is for the Empire.

Mòrag: Your patriotism is touching. But that doesn't explain why you're waging war with Uraya!

Roderich: It wasn't me! I did not give that order! Even I would never dream of declaring war without His Majesty's express consent!

Mòrag: So who in the…

The others rushed into the room.

Kai: About time.

Rex: Mòrag!

Roderich: Who...who are these people?! Bursting in here?

Mòrag: This is the Driver of the Aegis. You are to afford him the same respect as me.

Roderich: This is him?! I'd heard the rumors, but this boy...

Rex: *sheepish* There are rumors now? Wow, am I really that famous?

He scratched at the back of his head.

Brighid: Do you have any idea how much it costs to repair a water tower? It's a lot.

I chuckled

Azurda: So, less famous, more infamous.

Rex shook it off, ignoring him.

Rex: Mòrag, is Mor Ardain really attacking?

Mòrag: They are. As much as I hate to admit it.

Rex: Tell me… what's going on?!

Mòrag explained the situation to us.

Dromarch: Tricky indeed. If this escalates into all-out war...

Roderich: The timing is all wrong. We can't win this fight, not now...

Zeke: Sounds like you WERE planning to start this sooner or later. Sly rat.

Rex: Maybe save the accusations for now.

Mythra pushed through the crowd and lifted Roderich by his collar, pinning him to the wall.

Kai: Ah, Pyra must have switched with her on the way here.

Mythra: But the Empire never really wanted a war, did it?

Roderich: That Core Crystal! Don't tell me...you're the-

She slammed him into the wall, shaking him.

Mythra: Answer me!

Roderich: Y-you're right.

She dropped him and turned to us.

Rex: Mythra?

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