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We continued to journey through the badlands of Titan guts after our encounter with Zeke, Pandoria, and Turters.

Kai: Where are we headed exactly Vandham?

Vandham: My buddy lives in Fonsa Myma. It’s a decently sized city still a ways away.

Kai: Alright.  

Pyra looked at me for a moment.

Pyra: Kai, are you okay? 

Kai: Yeah, I’m fine. 

I was not fine, now that our journey was mostly peaceful, it gave me time to reflect on the dark, ominous feeling, and why I only found it incredibly noticeable when Pyra was in pain. It was strange, I didn’t like it. I could feel it now, like a bubbling dark mass that threatened to break the surface should I let my guard down. So I focused for a moment.

Kai: Breath… In…

I let the chilled air fill my lungs, and allowed my guard to lower for the time it took for me to hold my breath for a few seconds. I felt the feeling bubble up, rising through my mind.

Kai: Out… 

I breathed out, and with it I forced the feeling down to a place I wouldn’t be able to feel it. 

Kai: Better, but not great.

Rex: Oi! I think we’re here!

We walked through the large gates to the city, and it was quite impressive, but of course, the first thing that I noticed were the copious amounts of soldiers around the area. And the Titan warships that were docked or on the move, likely for deployment or transfer.

Kai: This isn’t looking good…

Dromarch: War with Mor Ardain is looking more and more likely by the day.

Vandham: Looks like they've expanded the military program. That's a lot of warships...

Poppi: These ships look different to normal ships.

Vandham: Yeah, we don't muck about with our Titans much. No need for it. Urayans like things pretty natural.

Rex: I've seen Urayan ships before, back in Argentum. It's like the total opposite of how the Ardainians use them.

Dromarch: That could be one reason they're always at each other's throats.

Azurda: They've been like cats and dogs for a long time...

Nia: Well, from where I stand, the Ardainians are worse. All that metal's just bad taste.

Azurda: It's easy to think that way, but you're not considering how the Titans themselves feel.

Nia: Huh? Don't all those modifications hurt?

Azurda: When Titans live with humans, that's just the way it is.

Nia: Hmmm...

Azurda: I used to have a hut on my back, and a crane stuck where the sun doesn't shine.
I never complained, not even when Rex fired up a grill on my shoulders.

Rex: Hey, you used to like that!

Azurda: Mm... Well, yes, I did like that… In fact, I miss it...

Rex: If I did that now, we'd end up with roast Titan!

Azurda: Indeed!

Pyra giggled adorably, this was not fair to my heart. Pyra had no right to be that adorable.

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