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Pyra POV

I didn’t understand why he was being so nice, he said it was because he cared about me, because he wanted to. But that didn’t make sense. It couldn’t truly be why. The only explanation that I could think of was that he loved me, but that was impossible…

Kai: *softly* Are any of the others up? Or is it just you?

Pyra: Rex and Nia are up already, I don’t know about the rest.

Kai: Want to take a walk around the town?

Pyra: Yes please.

He smiled, took my hand, and gently led me to the door. Which he then opened for me, and offered me his arm.

Kai: Shall we?

I giggled a little, but looped my arm through his.

Pyra: We shall.

We slowly meandered around Garfont. And it was quieter this early in the morning than it was when we had arrived late afternoon. Though the morning didn't stop kids from playing in the streets.

Kai: Do you like kids?

I didn't expect him to notice I was looking at them.

Pyra: Well, yes. There's something about the way they act, their wonder, carefree behaviors, even in tough times… it makes them seem, so precious when looked upon from the outside in… when they themselves find this as an ordinary day.

He smiled again.

Kai: Another question, do you want kids?

I blushed. But a feeling of sadness overcame me. I looked down.

Pyra: I would love to, if I found the right partner. But Blades are incapable of bearing children… 

Kai: That explains your expression upon our arrival in Garfont.

The comment surprised me

Pyra: W-what?

Kai: When we first arrived, you were looking at the children, and your eyes were filled with such longing… I could tell you wanted kids… but something was stopping you… now I know.

He wrapped me up in his arms, trapping me in a comfortable, warm embrace.

Kai: I wish I could help Pyra… but in this situation… I can do a lot of things… fabricating organs for your body is not one of them.

Pyra: Blades that are mostly human have most human organs, but we lack the organs for reproduction, and a heart, which is replaced by our Core Crystals.

Kai: Makes sense.

I took his arm again and we kept walking.

Smol child: Hey! Look at that guy!

Smoller child: I've never seen him before!

Before we knew it, I was suddenly separated from Kai as he was surrounded by children, and his bewildered expression made me giggle.

Slightly less smol child: Look at his hair! It's so spiky!

Older child: Settle down guys, let's not bother him…

Kai: Oh it's quite alright. I was just surprised with the suddenness of it all.

Smol child: Sorry Mister!

Slightly less smol child: We didn't mean to bother you!

Kai: It's fine little ones.

Smoller child: Let's go play hide and seek!

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