Chapter 1

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The entrance gates to the school's premises swung open, providing a path of entry into the compound.

I got an euphoric sensation as I stepped into the building that housed the Faculty of Law, after moving from the United States to Thailand, leaving behind me a period of seven years.

But as I step in, I noticed that everyone around me seemed scared.

I thought that they're scared of me at first, but then I see a group of four boys behind me.

The tallest one pushed me out of his way, and I felt like I did not getting the respect I deserved.

After I saw the disrespectful behavior of the four males, I scoffed at their audacity.

"Shitheads." I murmured beneath my breath, but it seemed like the tallest one had heard my words.

He turned his head in my direction, and gave me a smirk.

Soon afterward, they all left from my presence.

I annoyingly walked into the classroom, seating myself on the last available seat.

"What is wrong with these guys?" I couldn't help but think.

"Hey, you, the new student! Come to the front of the board."

I found myself being called to the board by the teacher, who used a demanding tone.

I listened promptly, walking towards the in front of the board.

"Introduce yourself, new guy."

"My full name is Win Metawin Opas-Iamjakorn, I'm nineteen years old and I like music." I introduced.

"Why choose Faculty of Law when you can simply join Faculty of Music? You've should have join the faculty of music." The teacher said.

"My choice is my choice and you have no right to tell me what to do." I explained, making the teacher mad, but I didn't care.

What is wrong with this university?

That's when, the four boys entered the classroom, being late.

"Sorry teach, we're little late." The same guy that smirked at me apologized.

"It's fine, really!" The teacher's tone suddenly changed. He turned his attention to me. "Look, Win, get out of the way, Dew has to go that way."

The fact that the group of four boys received a gentle treatment from the teacher, while I was scolded immediately, stirred my anger significantly.

Seating myself, I turned toward the person seated beside me.

"How are you?"

"Huh, what?" He was startled.

"How are you?"

"I'm.. Good."

"I'm Win Metawin." I introduced myself again.

"Yeah, I know."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Chimon... Chimon Wachirawit."

"Great, let's be friends."

"Uh.. Okay. "

Some people find it hard to strike up a conversation with a stranger, but for me it's the quite opposite.
It's really simple for me to make friends.

With the passage of approximately four hours, the time for lunch approached.

I sat beside Chimon, who was accompanied by other two guys.

"So what are y'all names?" I inquired with food in my mouth.

"Call me Dunk Natachai."
"I'm Phuwin Tangsakyuen."

"Great, now the three of you are my new friends."

"Oh.. Ok." Dunk replied.

Me and my new friends were peacefully enjoying our lunch, but the group of the same four boys approached us, laughing.

"Nerds are friending with the new guy, huh?" One of them teases.

"So who will do our homework today?" the tallest one asks, taunting us all.

"No one, you shitheads," I cursed at them, and everyone's attention in the cafeteria turns to us. "Ya'll should do it yourselves.. Unless.. You don't have brains to use."

"Win, do not mess with them.."
Chimon tried to warned me. "They will hurt you."

But I retorted that I'm not scared of them.

"What's your name new guy?" The tall one calmly asked.

"Win Metawin Opas-Iamjakorn, but I don't think you will remember it, since you don't even have the brains to do homework."

That's when one of them decided to punch me directly into my face.
Everyone in the cafeteria started to record the situation.

"Damn... Your name's Joong isn't it? People described you as the strong one, but you don't even seem like one."

I said, cleaning the blood coming out of my nose, with the palm of my hand.

"You fucking-" He wanted to give me another punch, but the tall one stopped him.

"Don't you know who we are?" The annoying tall giraffe questioned.

"Of course, the cringe gang, who thinks they're so cool, but acts like kindergarten children."

I heard some students laugh at my description.

The tall one's eyebrows scrunched together and his lips tightened.

"So you aren't scared, huh? Fine." They all took us by our wrists and dragged us to the school campus.

Everyone in the cafeteria followed, and stared at us, without even helping.

The tall one threw me to the floor.

They started to beat up my friends.

The sight of my new friends getting all weakened up by those bastards, made my blood boil.

"My friends will be beating them up, until you beg me to stop." The tall one explained, his hands being in his jacket's pockets.

My rage exceeded its limits. This is getting to far.

I decided to intervene by exploiting my skill in martial arts, a knowledge that was undisclosed to anyone.

Quickly shifting into action, I launched a kick at the tallest guy, striking his stomach, and proceeded to attack the other guys, freeing my new friends.

"Guys, let's run!"

We all ran away from the dangerous situation to safety.

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