"Let us go talk with your family. I have a surprise for you later tonight." William says before we start to walk once again. We walk over to the table my uncles, aunts and grandfather were sitting at. "You look stunning little one." My uncle says as he stands before walking over and taking my hands in his. My uncle who tried to marry me was right next to grandfather and he was glaring at William who noticed. "Thank you uncle." I say and he gives me a wide smile before he reaches up and moves some hair out of my face. "Big brother must be proud of you." My other uncle says as he gives me a smile as well, out of my three uncles only one of them is angry looking. "Do not hog the bride." My aunt says as she walks over to me and pulls me from my uncle and husband before she hugs me tightly before kissing each of my cheeks. "Auntie stop." I say softly only getting a giggle in response to my words. "You better take good care of our sweet little one or it will end badly for you." My aunt says  as she pulls back from me a little to look up at William who I feel stiffen next to me. I growl lowly at the threat just made at my mate and I knew my eyes flashed dangerously in warning at my family. My grandfather chuckle a little before shaking his head a few times. "Now now children just relax." Grandfather says with a smirk on his face as he motions to my aunt and uncles to sit down.

"Serenity you look just as stunning in that dress as your mother did." My uncle says and I feel a disgusted shiver run up and down my spine before I hear a deadly growl from behind me only to feel hands on my hips pulling me back into strong arms. "You would do well to no speak ill of the dead brother." Father says from behind me and I look up the best I can at whoever was holding me. I could see William move closer to me from my right so it was only natural to think that it was my father who was holding me from behind. "I am just telling her the truth brother. It is a shame you let her get married to filth like that." Uncle says and my grandfather slams his hand down on my uncle's leg letting us hear a crack from it. "You boy will keep your mouth shut." Grandfather warns. I knew that we should never anger grandfather but this is something frighting and exciting at the same time. I feel the chest behind me rumble as a growl rings out over my head. "Serenity you and William have many people to talk to still. Please do not forget to talk to my young master." Father says as he lets me go and gives me a small push away from the table. I quickly walk with William over to where my mother's side of the family was. "Serenity you look perfect." My aunt says. My mother only had a sister and then there was my grandfather who looked angrily over at where my father, uncle and my father's father were talking. "Father does Serenity not look perfect?" My aunt asks as she pulls his arm a little making him look over at us. His eyes soften just a little. I had heard from many people that I acted more like my mother but look like my father.

"She does. Tell me where do you plan on living with my granddaughter?" Grandfather asks as he looks up at William who was holding my hand tightly. I knew he was struggling with what just happened. "I bought a house that is near the outskirts of London for us to live in. Until it is ready for us to move in we will be living with her father and his master." William says as he looks my grandfather in the eyes. Grandfather gives a small nod before looking over at me again. I was about to say something when my vision starts to blur a little so I grab William with my free hand. 'All around the manor were people with weapons and they looked like they were about to attack the manor. I could hear music somewhere in the manor but the sounds of fighting still ring in my ears. There was a crash.....' I blink quickly and look around before looking up at William who had a worried look on his face. He reaches out and uses his handkerchief to whip something from under my noise only to pull it back so I could see blood. "What happened?" I whisper seeing as how my head was throbbing in pain. The sound of weapons still ringing in my head. "Inside the manor. You fainted as your father told all the guest. Said the excitement of the day finally got to you." William says before he goes back to cleaning the blood off my face. We were both quiet and I whimper a little when William moved my head to the side.

Her father, His butlerWhere stories live. Discover now