Nice place

313 15 14

Setting: Freminet's place

POV: Third person

*[Gaming stares at the apartment they are in. Its a two bedroom. One is where Freminet sleeps the other is his work shop. Gaming decided to just sleep on Freminets couch. His house was a nice light blue with decorations and shelves everywhere. Freminet even has some sea shells hanging from some rope over his window.]*

"Your place is amazing Fremi. Its nice and cozy" *[Gaming smiles and takes his shoes off to not track any possible dirt in]*

"T-thanks, give me one second please" *[He goes off into his work shop and Gaming hears ticking sounds and a penguin waddles out of it]*


"This is Pers. My friend." *[Freminet blushes and looks at his shoes]*

"It probably sounds bad that my friend is a penguin..."

*[Gaming inspects Pers and smiles]*

"This is absolutely amazing! God you seem to do anything and all I can do is dance" *[He laughs walking over to him]*

"Its not bad, you're just anti social" *[Gaming shrugs as Pers waddles over to them and spins around some]*

"T-Thanks.... Anyways uhm the bathroom is over there and I'll pull out some blankets for you.." *[Freminet walks off to a closet grabbing blankets.]*

"Let me help" *[Gaming walks over grabbing some]*

"Are these weighted blankets?"

"Yea... they are comfy" *[Gaming can tell Freminet is uncomfortable. He doesn't know how to make him not though]*

"Hey what if tomorrow you can show me the animals or otters? From what you say they are cute... Hey I guess you are an otter!"

*[Freminet looks at him confused but nods as he sets the blankets down]*

"Yeah that sounds nice, we could rent you out some scuba gear so you can see them too. Otters are so cute. I love watching them play."

*[Gaming chuckles]* "They sound nice."
*[He sits on the couch and looks at Freminet]*

"So what do you want to do?"

"We could play a game? There isnt much for guest to do... I don't have people over. I usually just build stuff"

"Then show me what you build! Oh maybe I could learn some things too!" *[Gaming smiles and Freminet laughs]*

"Sure, just be careful its a mess in there, and touch nothing"

Here you go to keep you all sane for a week, I misspelled so much and it's currently 11:04 so uh yeah fun

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now