His Face

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Setting: Wangshu Inn. The Knave took Gaming and Fremient there after they both passed out. Gaming wakes up first

*[Gaming jolts awake. His head pounding, he had to take a second to adjust to the light in the room. After a second he realized he was no longer in the chasm. He springs up looking around. The first thing he noticed as he looked around was a blond haired person next to him. As he looks closer he recognizes the outfit and knows its Freminet. He gets up and walks over. His head still pounding as he sits on a chair close to him inspecting his face.]*

*[The first thing he noticed was the bandage on his ear. Were he got hit with the hammer. He notices next the freckles that run across his cheeks. He feels the butterflies in his stomach grow once more. Looking at Freminets face he doesn't even know to describe it besides perfect. Even if it is all scratched up]*

*[Suddenly Freminets eyes open. Light blue eyes that frighten Gaming. He jumps back in shock]*

"S-sorry, I just uhm... Its the first time Im seeing your face I just was admiring you" *[He regrets his words immediately. Looking away]*

"W-what?" *[Freminet voice is scratchy. Gaming looks around for water. Finding a cup he hands it to him]* "Drink this." *[Gamings hand touches Freminet and he pulls away quickly. Freminet drinks the water with a small smile]*

"Thanks. So uhm... what happened? All I remember was getting hit" *[Freminet looks down at the water in his hands. Gaming starts explaining what happened. As he finishes the story Freminet looks up hopeful]*

"Father is here? Do you know where? Are Lyney and Lynette here?" *[Freminet asks hopefully.]*

"Uhm... No im sorry I haven't seen the Knave since I passed out.." *[He sees Freminets face fall back into a frown]* "Don't be discouraged! Im sure they will show up soon! I mean you got hit pretty bad. Im sure at least the Knave will want to check up on you. Please don't be sad" *[He touches Freminets cheek. Then takes it away as he feels he went to far. Gaming takes a deep breath as he waits for Freminet to say something]*

"At least we found out the problem. I will be able to go soon." *[He looks at Gaming]* "Also is that dinner invitation still up for grab? I would like some dinner. Maybe with someone who actually ate the food here I can find something good"

*[Gaming smiles as he nods]* "Yeah sure! I know a great place"

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now