Lets go

586 20 44

Setting: Freminet motel room. He is alone getting ready to go out to eat

Freminet POV

*[Freminet stands at the mirror looking at himself. He no longer has the bandage around his head and now just has a small bandaid to hide the cut he has. Ever since he got hit in the head all he hears is ringing in his ear. He doesn't tell anyone though.]*

*[He is still surprised he accepted Gaming invitation for dinner. He wants to back out but knows he can't. So he takes a deep breath and goes for the door. Suddenly as he opens Father is standing there]*

"Hello Freminet" *[She says with a smile]* "Going some where? I was hopping we could talk for a moment" *[Freminet nods letting her in. She sits on a chair and points to the bed for him to sit. He does so]*

"Im sure you wonder why im here. I promise to keep it quick. You shouldn't have taken a job here. We lost a lot of valuable stuff due to your recklessness. The Fatui is not happy" *[She crosses her left leg over her right as she stares at him]* "It took a lot of persuasion to keep you within the Fatui. I do have to inform you, you are to not take any more jobs within the nations besides minor ones. If you refuse to then I have no power of what the others will do"

*[Freminet nods taking a deep breath]* "Goodbye Freminet have a good date" *[She says walking off. Freminet blushes as she calls it a date. Its not he tells himself. He sits on the bed looking down. He doesn't get what he did wrong. Only doing his job. He shakes his head as he hears a knock. He opens the door to Gaming]*

"Hey! You ready to go? Also don't worry about the pay I got it" *[Gaming smiles as he grabs Freminets hand. Freminet blushes as he gets pulled outside]*

"Y-yeah im ready. Also I can cover my half of the meal. Besides I wont eat much.." *[He mumbles looking at his hand in Gaming's. The butterflies start up again as they walk]*

"Wont eat a lot? Come on Freminet Im serious let me handle it. Also you should eat. Its not good to eat little. I shall treat you to the best food place in town. Well thats what I say other people tend to disagree"

*[Freminet laughs and follows Gaming his reassurance making him feel good. They walk towards the food place laughing and hands interlocked]*

Gaming x FreminetWhere stories live. Discover now