~Story 15~

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I am 45 week pregnant and like 5-6 weeks overdue with quintuplets. I work 4 jobs just to stablize me and my unborn kids. It's hard just to drive to work with this massive bump in the way.

 It's hard just to drive to work with this massive bump in the way

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I pull into the parking lot of my first job. I work as a waitress first. When I put on my uniform in the bathroom I see that my bump has dropped drastically. Just as I notice it I start feeling contractions.

I had to hide my bump so even if I was in pain and showed it, no one would know. I grabbed a cloth and tightly wrapped it around my bump. I grabbed my tight work shirt and slipped it on.

I put on some tight pants just in case the baby does want to come out. I can't afford to loose any work hours. I take my first table and I can barley talk when a contraction hits. I excuse it as a hurt ankle when they ask.

I feel my baby pounding at my entrance to come out. I finish taking the orders and out the ticket in for it to get made. When I'm finished I rush to the bathroom to check how far I am. I slip my two fingers up and I feel my baby right there. I feel my waters about to break too.

I can't give birth in this bathroom so I'll just have to push through until I am done. Working all 5 jobs. I put on an extra pair of tight panties just in case. Just as I am about to pull up my pants my water breaks.

The water wets my panties only so I just keep wearing them with my jeans. I walk out of the bathroom while trying to hold my pussy shut, by hold my legs together periodically. Finally after 4 excruciatingly long hours my waitress shift is over.

I make one final stop to the bathroom to undue my bump. My huge belly can barely fit into my shirt. I need to sneak out of my job so no one can see my huge bump. I waddle to the door and quickly waddle to my car.

Only two people saw me and they gave me weird looks. I started the ignition and started to drive to my next job. My bump rubs uncomfortably against the steering wheel.

My next job is a grocery store worker. This job I hate because I have to work 6 straight hours on my feet. I don't think I could last that long but I have too. I pull into the parking lot and quickly wrap my bump again.

Before I leave I push the little bit of the head my inside me. The head was crowning only a little bit. I get inside and put on my apron. I get to my station and turn on the light to let people know that my station is open.

People rush to check out. By the time I scan two people the head is pounding at my entrance. I work the first 3 hours of my shift with the head barely crowning when the fourth hour the head slips out a lot more. The head creates a bulge in my pants so I push the head back in.

The next 2 hours of the head bobbing in and out. Each time I have to push it back up or just cross my legs to force it back in. My pussy is so broken and I have only worked two jobs. After my 6 hours are off I turn off my light and head to the bathroom to take off my uniform.

I head out to my car and that's when the baby starts kicking my canal and boy it hurts. It almost hurts worse than the each 2 minute contractions. I pull out of the parking lot and head to my third job which is a restocking job at Hollands. Hollands is a new clothes store that opened up at the far side of town.

The uniform I ordered for that job is like ten times smaller than the other uniforms. I head into there bathrooms and put my uniform on.I make sure to wrap my bump extra tight so I fit in my uniform. My uniform is stinking to my skin like glue.

I walk to the department where all the clothes are held and start putting them on several racks. I haul the racks over to the front and I put them where they belong so they can be sold. My boss sets the closed sign to open and people flood in. Since its a new shop people want to see if the store is really as great as they say it is.

The babies keep kicking my bump begging to have some room. Since I have had the tape on for long periods of time with barely any breaks between them the babies have been crammed. Having five babies doesn't make it the most comfortable place. I have an urge to push really bad. I am fitting the urge to get on the floor and push.

I finish one rack then go grab another, it's constantly walking back and forth. Luckily this job is only a 2 hour shift and I already killed an hour. The babies keep crowning and I get that bulge in my pants. Every 4-5 minutes I have to push the head back in. Each time my hand touches my throbbing pussy and even the slightest touch makes it sting.

Finally the hour mark is up and I get to go to my final job which is a labor nurse. It's going to be hard seeing others give birth to there babies while I am stuck holding mine in. Seeing them push is going to make me want to push. I guess I will have to be pushing my baby back in a lot.

I pull into the parking lot of the hospital. I put on my scrubs in the changing room. Since this is a pregnant people place and there is a lot of getting up and down I have an excuse to grunt and moan. I don't need to hide my bump here so my babies can have some room.

I walk to my first patients room and I check there dialation. They are about 9 centimeters dialatied so they are ready to push. I go through a couple breathing exercises with them and then call the doctor in. I give the paticent water and a cold towel while they push.

There baby came out healthy and the mother could have been more happy. I deliver 6 more babys and my shift is finally over, all my jobs are finished. After the 2 days that I have been holding this baby in, I need to push badly.

The contractions are unbearable. I can barely keep a straight face when they course through me. I waddle out to my car in underwear and a bra. Every step I feel the baby poking out and my vagina throbbing. My vagina is bloody and broken.

I sit uncomfortably in my car. The steering wheel touches my swollen, aching bump. I have barely any room to give birth. Of course I have to get backed up in traffic. I don't know how much longer I can hold these babies in. The quintuplets are begging to come out by kicking hard.

I stop the car since it looks like we are going to be stuck here for a while. I slip of my underwear and my bra so I am fully naked. As soon as my underwear come off the first babies head slips right out. I hold the head up and push the rest of the baby out.

I put the first baby in my jacket and leave enough room for the next four babies. I spread my legs as far I can and bear down. The second baby takes its times. The baby comes out slowly, each push gets more painful. The second baby finally emerges and I place it next to the first baby.

Since my vagina is already ripped the third baby slips out easily as well as the next two. All the babies rest in my jacket and sleep peacefully. I close my legs and all the pain I feel is in my vagina. I sigh in relief that all many babies are safe and that I finally gave birth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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