Chapter 6

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The next few days were uneventful. I tried not to think about the other werewolves. It was clear that because I was not born into a pack, I was unwelcomed. This thought kinda sadden me, I mean that's not my fault. How was I supposed to know? Pack rules my ass. 

Zach was coming over for dinner tonight. He had been coming over ever night since I got back. It was something nice to look forward to every day.

Zach came over all smiles after work. He gave me his strong and securing hug. Zach is ripped and kinda has a small temper. But for some reason it was comforting, it was what drew me to him. Especially when he was protective of me. He isn't perfect but he is all I know.

We took Remi on a walk and then ate dinner. We chatted about the weekend and I told him about all of the things I saw (minus the werewolf and naked men part). I would tell him, in due time. I just needed to get over it myself.

I was cleaning the kitchen while Zach was looking at what movie for us to watch. I had cooked fried rice so getting the onion smell out of my nose was really hard. Especially not having my eyes water. I really had to work on this intense smell thing.

Then I heard a knock at my door. Zach and I both looked at each other in confusion.

"I'll get it" he said standing up.

As he opened the door, I dried my hands off to go take a look and a familiar sweet smell hit me.

Oh no.

"We aren't interested in whatever you are selling" Zach said standing protectively in the doorway.

"I'm Thomas." The voice sounded irritated. "Does Maddie live here?"

"How do you know Maddie?" Zach demanded and started to really make his stance. I could feel both of their anger in the air. "Maddie, do you know a Thomas?" He said back to me without taking his eyes off Thomas.

Well shit.

"No." I said quickly "I mean not really. I met him on a hike in Big Bend. I just talked to him for a second."

"If you only talked to him for a second, how the hell does he know where you live"

Fair point. Creepy as hell.

"I found her license plate from some footage at big bend and looked up her address." Thomas said still annoyed. Okay, dude that's not normal. Why was he the one annoyed?

"Maddie, may I please talk to you?" Thomas sniffed the air. "Alone?"

"No. Dude what the fuck. She's not interested in you. If I find you around her again I will beat the shit out of you and then call the police."

"Maddie, please. We need to talk. You aren't safe." Thomas said stepping towards me and completely ignoring Zach. This was not going to go well.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out" Zach growled and shut the door in his face. Then dead bolted it.

I did not dare to say a word. I had to walk on egg shells when Zach was angry. I really didn't need another hole in my wall.

I watched him go around the house and shut all the windows and make sure everything was locked tight.

"I'm staying with you tonight. I don't want that dude to come back" Zach demanded while peaking out the window. He used a tone I knew not to argue with. So I nodded and went back to cleaning the kitchen without saying another word.

Time went on and Zach was just sitting in silence on the couch scrolling through his phone.

"Seems like you had more of a quick conversation if this dude knows your name and knows what your car looks like."
Zach was pissed. I could feel it. My anxiety was spiking. He did not believe me and I was a tad terrified of what he can do. I did not feel like a strong werewolf anymore. I felt small, weak and trapped.

"I don't know what you want me to say. We had a quick conversation. I have no idea how he knew what my car looked like."

"I know you aren't telling me everything Maddy. You have been acting secretive. I know you haven't told me everything." Zach still didn't look up from his phone. I was frozen in the kitchen.

"We just connected on something we had in common that is all. It was a quick conversation."

That made him look up from his phone.

"Okay so what do you have in common that you stumbled upon when hiking a trail." He was glaring at me now.

I moved slowly to him. "I just recently found something about my heritage and he has a similar one so I asked. I did not know it would lead me down this awful trail. I don't know why he came here, he and his friends made it pretty clear I was unwelcome."

"What the fuck are you into maddy"

"Nothing! I'm not into anything. Look I've been meaning to tell you, I've just been trying to figure it out myself. "

Before I could spit anything out, I smelled something. Werewolves.

"Maddy what the fuck is going on"

All of a sudden both my back and front door were broken into at the same time and wolves came rushing in. We were surrounded in a matter of seconds. Then Jake walked in through the door, with a gun.

Before I could say a word, he shot Zach right in the shoulder. Zach immediately went down, unconscious. I went over to him and tried to prop him up right.

"Dont worry" Jake said. "It's just a tranquilizer"

I don't think that made me feel any better.

"What the fuck is going on" I growled toward Jake.

"You are coming with us. We tried nicely twice but seems we had a bit of an issue with boyfriend here so we took matters into our own hands." Jake smirked.

"What the hell is gonna happen when he wakes up? He's going to call the police. I'm not coming with you."

"Oh but you will. Don't worry, we have a team specialized in cleaning up messes with humans. He won't suspect a thing. But you are coming with us"

I looked around the room at about 7 wolves, Jake was the only one in human form. I couldn't get out of this one. Jake followed me to my room as I packed some clothes. What the hell do you even pack when being kidnapped by a bunch of werewolves?

As I packed I saw Remi timidly come out from under the bed. I looked at her and began worry about what would come of her when they took me. 

"Don't worry. Dogs are welcome. We are wolves after all." Jake said from the door way. 

That took a little bit of weight off my shoulders. At least I would not be totally alone. I zipped my bag up and followed Jake out the door. 

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