Chapter Six

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Standing near the threshold to the office's main break room, with arms folded over one another and hips slightly tilted against the doorframe, Arielle stared at Lillian's sullen composure, frowning. Honestly, she hadn't meant to lurk or even stare, as she herself knew it appeared a bit creepy. However, like Lillian, she too had decided to fix a cup of coffee from the break room before beginning the work day. Although, flicking her deep blue eyes away from Lillian and to the room itself she wondered if that's what one would even call this room, with its near pantry sized space and gray walls like that of a rainy day.

Of course, the size was a bit of an exaggeration, but regardless the space was small, deterring most of the employees from even stepping inside. The fake marbled countertops did no justice either. Those imitation tops, with their faded white and gray hues melding into one another, were layered with old coffee stains. Specks of oddly colored yellow or green stains dotted the surface as well, and Arielle did not wish to know what substances had secreted themselves there.

"People can be quite messy." She thought to herself in awe as she arched a neat brow.

Seeing Lillian in the break room had been a bit of a surprise as she rarely, if ever, saw Lillian use it. Something truly must have been wrong with her if Arielle found her in here. It was why her sudden shock turned into that of sympathy. Especially, when she saw her lowered head and drooping shoulders, as if an invisible rain cloud hovered above her head, drenching her. While the two of them may not have been entirely close it was quite clear Lillian was bothered by something.

What that could have been she did not entirely know, though she had her suspicions. Truthfully, especially as Arielle realized how long she had been awkwardly standing in the threshold without out even speaking, she had just been about ready to open her mouth, forming such words. It was just that Lillian's sudden movements, when she turned in her direction, caught her off guard. Heart hammering against her chest from panic, her cheeks heated into a crimson hue against her ivory skin, feeling embarrassed. Luckily, she was able to play it cool casually shrugging her shoulders while trying to fix the awkward situation.

"Arielle? What in the actual...hell are you doing? Wha...when did you get here and why...what are you doing?" Lillian asked in a hurried tone, fumbling with her words in the process as she raised both brows in surprise, gesturing her hand towards her while pointing out the obvious without it being verbally said. 

"Or we can just address the situation as it is." Arielle thought to herself still feeling rather embarrassed for being caught off guard and not just opening her mouth when she first walked in.

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⏰ Última atualização: May 24 ⏰

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