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Hello Readers,

I know it has been some time since I last wrote and posted a new chapter. These last few weeks have been very busy and hectic. To add, last weekend I had a loss in the family. Unfortunately, I lost my grandfather after his long but tiring battle with stomach cancer. He put up a tough fight though and definitely did not let it him stop him from doing anything. 

In fact, a couple weeks ago before he passed he had just returned from traveling to visit family while celebrating his birthday. Looking at him one wouldn't have known he had cancer. He just stayed the same grandpa that we all knew and loved. Losing him hit me and my family hard even though we knew this would happen. However, my family and I know that he is now with my grandmother-his wife-whom we lost two years ago.

I apologize for the lack of new chapters being published, but as I mentioned previously there has been a lot going on and after the recent loss in my family I just needed to take some time. I am hoping to have a new chapter out for my story tomorrow or the end of this week. I know I don't have many readers or followers to this story as its still new, but I just want to say thank you to those who have taken the time read this, as well as, vote or comment. It really means a lot and helps to encourage me to finish this story. I hope everyone is doing well and that your week is going just as well. ^_^

--Elle R. Pierce aka Lonelywritinglass 

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