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"Kelly I feel like a damn fool, letting this boy who I am damn near 10 years his senior play house with me. I need to be finding a husband and someone who can provide, not a student who just so happens to have good dick." Beyoncé yelled out via FaceTime.

"All I heard was he has good dick... so I don't see what the issue is after that." Kelly shrugged.

"Kelendria!" Bey yelled.

"My bad damn. Anyway, the girls are running late. but we wanted to get you something ." she said as she looked into her phone as she walked down a hallway from her POV, The sound of her heels clicking and her flashy purse swaying let Bey know that she was moving with urgency to make it to their pasta Sunday.

"I hope it's some hard liquor, I need a double shot of whisky." Bey groaned.

Beyoncé propped her phone up against the blender on her kitchen counter, she then tied her hair up into a high ponytail and slipped on a baggy cotton t-shirt over her sports bra and shorts set that dropped like a nightgown. The shirt belonged to Jermaine and smelled just like his signature cologne that represented him.

Every other week, Kelly, Michelle, Lala, Ciara, and Beyoncé would host a pasta and wine self-care Sunday where they would make an Italian dish alongside a charcuterie board, drink wine, and catch up. it was a perfect way to keep tabs on one another's lives and provide supportive advice.

"I'm right down the hall okay? I brought caviar and truffle crackers., your fave" Kelly said lovingly.

"Did you bring the baguettes?" Bey said, going through the fridge. 

"Only baguettes I know are the diamonds on my wrists baby girl."  Kelly snapped back. 

"KELLY!" Bey yelled, "Be for fucking for real... I need the baguettes for the pasta... you know Lala loves her garlic bread."

"Do you want me to go to the market quickly and grab it?"

Bey sat there for a moment and sighed. Knowing if she was to send Kelly to the market, her chances of returning with what she was asked to grab were slim. 

"No it's okay, I'll have Ciara grab it." she sighed. "the doors open... you can let yourself in." 

Kelly did just that, letting herself in, Behind her shortly were Michelle and Lala. Michelle had chilled wine, glasses with glittery pink rims, and matching Pajamas for everyone while Lala brought a few pasta pastries and desserts for the group.

Bey was open arms, hugging her girls and jumping up and down in excitement. 

"Thank y'all so much for spending time with little ole me," Bey said softly. 

"Girl it's the least we could do, we missed your birthday, life has been kicking our asses," Lala said softly. 

"So whats been new with you?" Michelle said as she took a seat.

"Well... Thomas and I haven't spoken for officially a year, today marks that. He uhh... sort of is a distant memory these days. I have been studying fashion again and landed a gig at Vogue. I am thinking of taking that on full term and quitting my job soon, so i can spend more time with Jermaine." Bey admitted. 

"Jermaine... i don't know a Jermaine. Ladies, do we know a Jermaine?" Kelly smirked. 

The girls shook their heads no and then continued to look at Bey in confusion. And Bey just sat there like a deer caught in headlights realizing she was going to have to tell her friends that she was fucking a younger man that was a student at her school. 

MY TEACHERS A NYMPHO | JCOLE X BEYONCÉWhere stories live. Discover now