34 : Masochist Motherfucker

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“Well... this looks depressing”

He said as he looked down at me. The will-o-wisp form of Regis glowed a dark purple.

“You just woke up and already are talking bullshit?”

“What can I say? look at you! you look like a homeless devil. ”

He's right, as much as I want to deny, I haven't eaten nor bath for days, maybe months in my time in this room.

My clothes shirt is on the far side of the room laying on the floor as I'm only wearing my pants for my whole time here. I find this training sufficient to reach my goal but it looks like someone is not in the same boat as me.


I want to smack him so good right now.

“Hey! I can hear your thoughts!”

“That's intentional and can you shut up?.”

“I just woke up and here I saw you for whatever reason, half naked inside an empty ass room in the relictombs. Care to fuckin explain master?”  He ranted with the last part tinged with sarcasm.

I want to deny it but Regis has all the reasons to complain as all he said was true. Maybe except that this is an empty ass room. Far at the end of the room is a wall full of colorless runes which I assume are dead runes and needs aether to work.

“I'm training, and can't you just look at it in my memory?”

“Hell nah”

Regis said, his will-o-wisp body flying around me. His horns that he's so proud before are now just tiny stubs and is barely visible.

“You look pathetic.”

I insulted him and went back on meditating.



I didn't hear him anymore thanks to my focus.

It's been days now and I still haven't done any kinds of progress in this training.

Just as then, I felt all the aether getting pulled out of my body, making my eyes open as I look up.

Regis is now glowing in a purplish hue. No, you can even say that he is the purple hue.

“Whats with this now?”

“I'm stopping your dumb ass.”

He said in a surprisingly calm voice which is a rare sight of him. Although I didn't want to listen to him moments ago, this change in his tone made me more aware of him.

“What is it Regis?” I said in a voice that's supposed to be calm but it came out as a snarl.

“You are strong with what you've got. Stop with this dumb plans Arthur.”

I don't know if he called me by that name to make me angrier but it sure did.

“It's Grey, Regis” I snarled again, this time it's intentional.

“Fine fine, now hear me out.”

The purple hue inside Regis disappeared as he let's go of the aether and released it in the surroundings.

This, of course made me glare at him but he just stared at me, signalling me to wait for his reason.

“You'll die Grey”

“I am prepared”

He grunted as I said that and flew in front of my face. His will-o-wisp like body restricted my vision.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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