30 : unbeknownst

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"Mid silver?! And a dual elemental mage too!? What kind of human are you?"

Commented the shocked Feyrith as he walked around me in circles seemingly studying me.

"Fire and Earth too. It's unfortunate that a pretty boy like you can't use magma like us dwarves."

Said Doradrea as she too joined Feyrith and the two circled around me.

"Why the hell are you praising him! I'm dual elemental too you know! Even though I'm just light yellow but that's still impressive!"

Claire pouted and glared at the two. The surrounding got silent and a heavy veil of awkwardness fell upon us.

".... Claire, you're 22 and soon turning 23. Stop acting like a kid."

Theodore intervened

"What did you say!?"

"Yeah Claire, You're the oldest here be mature enough. You're also the party leader."

and Feyrith added some fuel to the already enormous fire.


"Yeah and fire and earth sounds cooler than fire and wind." Said Doradrea as Claire's figure shrunk even more.

"Fire and earth is a good balance between offense and defense unlike both fire and wind whose all offense."
Kathlyn said not as a joke but as a fact.

Claire died.

"It depends, both fire and wind really compliments each other as wind can boost the fire's firepower a lot." I said to decrease some of her suffering.


Oh she's alive again.


"Yeah he's accepted."

"How can you just trust him easily like that!"

Curtis argued towards the people who've already accepted me to the party which contains Claire and Theodore the strongest in the party.

"He's my sister's age and he's mid silver? That's just don't sit right for me. So I'm against it."

"I agree with Curtis. I can't just trust someone out of nowhere especially after what happened back then."

Clive supported Curtis's argument and is also wary of me. Clive got a little better over all and it seems like he's not a simp anymore. I didn't know the impact of the first attack still lingers in their mind.

“Well it's easy to convince us. Just take your shirt of and turn around. ”

Curtis said with a serious tone amd everyone's head snapped towards him.

“Curtis... I didn't know that you're like that.”

Theodore said with a grim tone as he looked down the ground.

“Huh? What?”

It looks like Curtis still doesn't get it but soon reality will hit him hard.

“Don't worry, mother will accept it but I think father will have a difficult time to accept it fully.”

“Ah- wait! I didn't mean it like that! I mean the runes! Show us your back if you really are not an enemy!”

He shouted as he pointed his index finger at me. Him saying those words made an awkward silence as I tilted my head to the side.

“Brother... That is still a classified information.”

“Oh shi-


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