19 : Relictombs

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Grey Vritra

Relictombs, said to be built by the Djinns, the ancient mages. It is built to preserve their knowledge about Aether and is made specifically for it to not let any Asuras enter.

It has been 3 months of training for the four of us, and a lot have improved. I am now a white core mage, the same as the two, Caera and Nico. The two elixirs that old man gave me, or that Asura gave me finally got its purpose. I honestly forgot about it and I'm thankful that I didn't throw my old dimension ring out.

I gave it to the two and it boosted their core by a stage, and then all that's left is their own effort to reach the white stage. Caera achieved it first, approximately a week ago. While Nico did it just three days ago.
It's impressive, because he's a stage behind Caera but managed to catch up in a short period of time.

Cecilia on the other hand beat us, as she's already reached the integration stage. Integration stage is basically your whole body becomes the mana core. This is how it is mostly for all the adult Asuras.

It's the second time I've been here and it still looks the same. I stood still on the doorframe of the basement of Taegrin Caelum, watching over my peers who's now chosing what kind of item they want. Agrona gave us the opportunity to let us take whatever item we want before entering the relictombs.

Caera walked up to me and stood beside me as she looked back at the room. "Aren't you gonna pick anything Grey?" Caera ask putting her face just a few inches away from mine.

"No, I already picked some items here last time."

"Hmm?" Saying that, she moved closely, and I backed my face until it touched the wall. "okay, but at least take an armor with you. It can help you in many ways." She said with a frown withdrawing her head, getting back on her former place.

"What's the point of wearing armor if you don't plan on getting hit?" I replied with a smirk.

"What the hell are you bragging about Grey?" Nico said, slowly walking towards me, following him is Cecilia.

"You guys finished?" I asked, I received a nod from Cecilia. While Nico brought out something from his dimension ring.

"What's that?"

"It's a metal, metal from a Vritra." Nico explained putting it back in his ring.

"And? What are you planning to do with it?" I added another question.

"A powerful weapon that shoots projectile, made by humans just to kill another of their kind." Nico replied, he tried to sound wise but it's pretty obvious what he's trying to do with it.

"Seriously dude? A gun?" I asked, not intrigued with his 'invention'.

"That's why I'm using this Vritra metal for it. Maybe it can handle a bullet with soul fire? Who knows?" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"We can turn it to an armor so you won't die easily." I said staring into his eyes.

"What's the point of wearing armor if you don't plan on getting hit?" He replied with a smirk.

"Stop copying me, you look dumb. And also you need it so you won't die."

"Cecil will heal me."

"We're supposed to protect her, not make her a medic."

Sparks appeared between the two of us. Fake smile appeared on our faces and the useless banter continues.

"Grey, I'm weak physically back then so I practiced using a gun. So just let me do it." Nico explained his side.

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