23 : End of First Ascent

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Grey Vritra

Finishing the first zone, we made it to the second zone where a maze was located. I came to the conclusion that the relictombs not only adjust the difficulty of the zone to the strength of the ascenders but also influences its type with the said ascender's knowledge. Why did I think so? Because the zone is the labyrinth with a minotaur chasing us.

The labyrinth in Greek mythology back on earth is a masterpiece created by Daedalus to imprison the Minotaur by the orders of king Minos. The zone itself is hard to solve and made us stay there for at least a day but in the end, Cecilia just destroyed everything and a portal appeared out of nowhere.

After that, the four of us are brought to a sanctuary room where we rested for at least half a day in my estimation. Now we're all in front of the portal again with Cecilia trailing from behind, after finishing uncasting the room made of earth she made for us to rest properly and clean ourselves.

“Haaaah, I feel so refreshed. I'm so glad Cecil is with us. Now we can shower whenever we want, right Grey?" Caera said to me while stretching her arms up.

“tsk, I can do that too you know." I muttered under my breath enough for Caera not to hear.

“Hmm did you say something?" She asked tilting her head sideways.


“Okay" she said, with her eyes narrowed, eyeing me suspiciously.

“Lover's quarrel again?" I heard a voice from the back, it was Nico.

"Nope" I replied

“Oh, what a tsundere."

“A tsundere? What's that?” Caera asked

“You better shut your mouth or I'll send your crying ass back to Cecilia." I said and glared at him. This bastard is sounding more and more like Agrona.

“Heh" he said giving me 'that' smirk.

I clicked my tongue and he immediately raised his hands up. I smirked at him and entered the portal.


Arriving at our third zone, I immediately raised my guard up. Darkness, all I can see is darkness. I conjured a yellowish-white fire to brighten up the surroundings. All I can see are concrete walls, we're all inside a big cube like room with nothing inside except the four of us.

“Just what the hell is wrong with us that the relictombs are giving us the most random zones possible. What the fuck are we even suppose to do here?" Nico grumbled in frustration.

Just as Nico spoke, a white almost gray ball appeared out of the wall. The ball is as big as a basketball and has two pairs of wings on the front but instead of it vertically attached it's horizontal?

“What's that? It looks disturbing." Cecilia said and she conjured a ball of fire to brighten up the room even more.

“I don't know, just don't go near it for now." I said and conjured a small water ball fused with decay mana towards it.

The ball smashed into the creature and it started to glow in many colors. It continued to glow, producing a weird sound from its non existing mouth, but it looks like I spoke too soon.

The creature finished glowing and it looks like it somehow evolved? It now have a mouth and a tail like part on his head.


“What the fuck?"

Caera and Nico said at the same time. The creature then threw itself towards us and I kicked it back instantly and it crashed on the wall. But just a few seconds after that, the creature jumped towards us again, but unlike the first attempt, it's now faster.

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