Don't count Toga out

Start from the beginning

Jiro: Alright After that you want to hear it

Toga: Let's hear it I pour my heart and soul into this soul

Toga and Jiro were impressed with the final product of this Song

Toga:Damn I outdid myself I didn't think I was capable of this

Jiro:You did...Wait hold on

Jiro then called Kendo on her phone

Jiro:Hey Kendo

Kendo:Yeah What up

Jiro:Are you business right now

Kendo:No not at the Moment

Jiro:Good come down to the Studio Toga made a song and it's Amazing

Kendo:Be on the way

End call

After like 15 minutes Kendo and Ibara came inside the studio

Kendo:Hey You guys

Ibara:How are you on this holy day today

Jiro:It's going great


Kendo:So you said you made a song that amazing

Toga:Yeah I outdid myself with this one And proved I'm on par with Izuku and Denki

Ibara:You claim all this song better be all that because I Heard some Song was how could I say

Jiro:Not as good


Toga:More ass than A strip club in Miami

Ibara:All the above but this song better be good if you gassing it so much

Jiro:Trust me It is amazing

Kendo:Let's hear it

Jiro played the song and Kendo and Ibara were Shocked and amazed at how good the song was way How Her lyrics are so deep about talking about her love and the flow of the music is the best they had heard, It almost had them In tears because they felt a similar thing when it comes to loving Izuku

Kendo:This Song is beautiful When did you write this song Toga

Toga:It's when Izuku was the prowler and I missed him so much and I wrote songs of my love, Man Now I'm saying it out loud That man's love has me in a chokehold

Kendo:Me too I guess that is a way of you coping

Toga:Yeah it was

Ibara:Do you have other songs

Toga:Yeah I made so much I could make A whole album

Jiro:Wait you should drop an Album it would a your Debut album

Toga: You're right Thank you for the Idea Jiro but first I should release This song to show people I'm in the same league as them

Jiro:Good plan Release this song and Will work on your Album that sound like a plan?

Ibara:Come On Toga do it

Kendo:Yes Do it we support you 100% of the way

Toga:I'll do it

Afterwards, they dropped the song "Trip" It went to Number 3 on billboards after a while

Meanwhile In her dorm Toga's dorm room

Toga was in her Dorm room when she Heard a knock on the door she went up and opened the door to find Izuku

Toga:Hey Bae what up

Izuku:Can we talk?


Izuku came inside and sat on the bed and Toga was Right side him

Izuku:So I heard your new Song

Toga:Did you like it?

Izuku:It was amazing Like you have A lot of Singing talent but that's not why I'm here...Okay Half and Half

Toga:Okay can you Explain?

Izuku:When I heard the song I could sense that song was Personal I had to replay it 3 or 4 times to get the message...What I'm asking is, Was that song about us Am I doing something in our relationship that is wrong?

Toga:What of course not it the exact opposite that song shows how much I love you and that your love Trip me up

Izuku:My bad Toga I thought that you weren't happy or something

Toga:It's okay sorry for the confusion...Izuku remembers the first time we met

Izuku:You were a spy for all for one I remember and you were trying to kill me

Toga:Now first off I wasn't going to kill you just gain Information that all

Izuku:That doesn't make it any better

Toga:But back on topic the First First time

Izuku:When you were homeless and I gave you money to support yourself

Toga:Yeah that time...I was thinking After all that time we are here today And it's crazy We could've died

Izuku:I know right the amount of times I almost died or Was close enough was crazy

Toga:I think I had it the worst out of both of us

Izuku:I disagree but I do agree on one thing...We need therapy

Toga burst out into laughter

Toga:Right Seriously...I killed my abusive parents went homeless join A villain organization And Now I'm here now today with my Boyfriend who got three girls pregnant that part of Harem you got and I'm just part of it, Damn I don't even smoke but I need some weed and A therapy

Izuku was just worried about her mental health after Everything she had been through she laughed like a crazy girl

Izuku:Do you need my therapist I got it on speed dial

Toga:No I'm fine I'm completely fine

Izuku(Thinks)If that is her version of Fine Then I don't want to see what Ape shit is...She might OJ my Ass

Toga: Now I think about it's been a while since You gave me anything so...Drop them pants

Izuku:Toga I'm tried From training and Dealing with Babymama and-

Toga:Nigga I didn't ask for that I said drop them draws I'm not going tell you again(She pulls out A pocket knife out of her pocket

Izuku(Thinks)I forgot how crazy this girl is...But she my crazy girl she better but stab me

Timeskip Afterwards

Both of them were Exhausted in bed and Toga had a knife in her hand with the bed with stab marks all over it

Toga:You know how to touch me don't you

Izuku:I know all your weak spots Do you have to hold and Stab with a knife every time with have

Toga:Yes I do goodnight

Izuku(Thinks)I hope our kids are not as crazy here

End chapter

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