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The crowd could be heard cheering for the other men and women coming down the aisle and showing off the lesser-important jewelry in the company that had collabed with us, and I knew it was only a sick matter of time before it was my turn. I had meshed up a mixture of a few yellow-goldish outfits and something of a fur boa to hide my short hair. Since it was, however, the same or similar color to Kaylas, nobody would really know it was me.

The crowd died down as the announcer smiled widely and opened the door to where it was my turn. The last one to walk the line, and boy did I take advantage of this fact.
All of the chatter died in a matter of seconds and I showed off the outfit I had constructed, but there was a gasp in the crowd as they realized where each of the jewelry had gone.

I used the earrings as bracelets and the beautiful, white-diamond engraved necklace as a leg-garter, all part of the plan. Unlike me, Kayla had a nasty burn on her upper thigh due to her dropping a curling iron on it. But me? There was nothing there, Karl knew it too. I used this factor to awe my audience- This stage was mine, and it wasn't about the jewelry anymore.
I flipped my head away and walked back off just as quick as I had gotten on, the silence ringing in my ears. But once the door closed behind me, the crowd erupted in applause, confusion and excitement. However, I was stopped by the host who asked me to step out into the public eye again.

I hesitantly agreed, moving back out and standing nervously in front of all of these new cameras- the stage kept illuminating with the paparazzi of white lights and flashes of cameras and cheers. But one of the donors from the company tapped their mic gently and the crowd died again, as if I stepped out of the curtains for the first time again.

"Kayla, please take off your mask."
"She can't, I'm afraid." Karl stepped in, now present. He stood next to me.. not even in a loving aspect. He was judging me, and even he was getting a bit fed up just sticking up for me, after the stunt I pulled with the jewelry.
Then, just as I hoped, another commentor screamed from the crowd; "THAT ISN'T KAYLA, IS IT?"
My heart skipped a beat as the crowd agreed with one another, and a miniature chant broke out to 'take off the mask' as if this were an episode of the Masked Singer.
I turned to Karl in a fake panic but he tried to rush me offstage by my arm. This confirmed my suspicions, I was done being a scapegoat. I pulled my arm from him as his eyes widened and just as he was about to give a chase, I popped the mask off and threw it behind me. The golden plates scratched against the floor and landed somewhere behind Karl.

The judges looked outraged, suddenly realizing that the face of their company for a mere ten minutes or so was a man playing as the star of their jewelry company, and I couldn't help but laugh. But then, I began to hear the backlash.
"Kreek was trying to steal Kaylas spotlight!" "Trying to take her chance at becoming a bigger model!" All of this drama for what?

I felt my stomach churn apprehensively, until I heard a whistle.
I recognized the sound of the buckled pants moving onto the stage and the spotlight moved from me to him. The stern man who had saved me not once, but twice now- his long cyan hair melting his fiery red eyes, as his expression was mean and rather pissed off. He stood next to me and stared into the judges' souls.

"I have worked with Kreek long enough to know that he would never take the opportunity of anyone on purpose. That is just not who he is."
"Who do you think you are, TanqR? Showing your demonic face to a jewelry showcase-"
"Watch how you speak to me." TanqR growled. "I have more authority than all of your little panels combined. Don't you dare question my authority again."
"Now, what is so wrong with Kreek showing his face? Say Kayla was sick, which is most likely the case. The crowd loved him, how creative he was with the fine pieces of art you have crafted for them to borrow. This fight is petty. Kreek was just doing his job."

The judges turned amongst themselves and shared a heated debate..
In the meantime, I stared at TanqR. "Thank you.. but I told you not to get involved."
"I am not sitting here and watching my husband get torn at on live television by a bunch of sad, judgemental investors." TanqR's demon tail flicked behind himself and I could help but feel a sense of security knowing he was here. The judges made their decision and faced us again.

"We agree with you, TanqR. We'd like to have a meeting with Kayla, Kreek and yourself if you have the time, just to make sure.. This situation is clear. But as of now, we will still sponsor this company as a result of how successful his walk was."
Ths crowd erupted for the last time that night- cheering happily, realizing I hadn't faced backlash because of TanqRs surprise presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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