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I woke up in a cold sweat.

It had to have been around 11:30 PM and Karl hadn't returned home. I was getting.. Worried, to say the least, but I figured he just had a longer cleanup time due to my absence.

Then I heard it. There was a loud door opening followed by a gentle woman's voice, followed by one too familiar. Karl's.
I suddenly heard them approach my door and I felt my body hit my pillow, yet my eyes refused to close on their own terms. This had to be some sick joke, a misunderstanding even.. Karl would never do this to me.
I heard light footsteps and my eyes finally closed. They approached and left just as swiftly as they came. "He's asleep.. Finally."
"You're sure?" The woman said lowly. Karl just laughed in response as I heard what I feared the most, a kiss.
Then, followed by a muffled voice; "Come on baby, Let's do this~"
"Not here, my love." Karl replied sharply, come on, we could get caught~"
Tears swelled in my eyes as I heard the female-figure push him into the same bathroom I had just used prior for a shower. This.. anger boiled inside of me. I prayed this was all fake. I knew I was going to wake up soon. 

The bathroom door opened once more and this time I smelled the luxurious perfume of the woman who was approaching my bedside. She pushed the hair out of my ear with a demonic giggle. "Looks like I've met my match, Kreek.." she grimaced. 
I felt tears pricking my eyes but I kept a stone-cold face and remained still. She only laughed more seeing that I was "Legitimately asleep".
I felt her spit in my face almost, as she spoke words that cracked at my soul. "He's mine." She spat. "Karl isn't yours anymore. In a day, I will make sure he doesn't marry you. I don't care what extremes I have to go to, he's not marrying a low-end streamer like you."

She swiftly got up and looked around, not long before dropping some sort of clothing article on the floor in me & Karl's room and leaving. As soon as my door closed I sobbed loudly, feeling powerless. Hopeless even, like I'd lost control of my own life.
My sobs drowned out whatever session they had in the bathroom. I felt so unstable, like I wasn't me. I was practically dissociating a day before my own wedding.. If it were even mine anymore.
How would I break the news to my fans? My followers? My career would be in shambles if I were to confront Karl about this. I'd lose my job, my half in Pixel Playground- I'd lose everything.
If I stayed, pretended like this didn't happen.. I just can't. I can only imagine how many times this has happened, how many times I was actually asleep and didn't hear the couple. How long were they dating behind my back? Was I bound to be replaced??
These thoughts pounded at me as I eventually cried into a deep sleep. Even then, I felt like I was losing myself. Me, the only thing that I knew for certain that I had left.

Waking up tomorrow would indicate that this, was all either some nightmare, or a scene I wouldn't forget.

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