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After another night of Karl not even being home with me, I came to the conclusion he was most likely getting ready for the wedding. Call me delusional, I know, but I'm sure all of this is just a misunderstanding, my own fiance of 2 years would never just get up and leave me in the dust. Besides, this was a big day, especially for Karl. Woman or not, nothing a.. marriage counsel couldn't fix I guess?

I peeled myself from my covers just faintly remembering what a hectic emotion-filled day I had yesterday. From basically almost becoming a millionaire, to finding out my soon to be husband may be having an affair.

I avoided those negative thoughts realizing today was my big day, one I wouldn't get again. I only invited my close family as Karl's weren't very supportive of his gay relationship with myself, so it would look pretty empty since we booked a pretty huge venue. I wanted to keep it personal anyways, so I wasn't too upset.

I'm not too sure what caused my sudden acceptance of my fiance's secretivity but I was just rolling with it. By now, I was so excited for this day I almost showered with my clothes on. I know, weird, shut up. I managed to take the quickest shower known to existence, and put on easy-to-slip-off kind of clothes, since I had a specific outfit to change into.

Today, I noticed there were no clean towels which was extremely weird. It has always been me and Karl but yet there were over twelve clean towels in the rack yesterday.
I looked around puzzled, even fishing under my clothes to find said clean towels. One was saturated from my clothes but all 11 others were still clean, dry, and rolled up from when I folded them.
Did I accidentally do this? My brain fuzzed up from last night as I stared at the clean towels confusingly. I ended up leaving them back on the rack, figuring it was my bad memory last night.

I swiftly got out of the house and I noticed it was already 7:30. It was cutting it close to my makeup-dressing at 8:00, but if I took the mustang I'd be fine. Which leads me to realize how odd it is. I hadn't remembered last night, my alarm didn't go off, and now the towels..
I scrambled for the keys to the mustang and to my dismay, the SUV keys were there. Indicating that Karl took the mustang to the parlor.
I groaned and took the SUV keys. Don't get me wrong.. I don't condone speeding. But this was a heavy exception.

I quickly got into the car and noticed how oddly clean it was. He definitely had it professionally done, but I didn't have time to dwell on that. I pulled out of our driveway and made the familiar route to my job, everything felt so right. There wasn't a breeze today, or at least none that I could tell since I didn't have the roof down.
I got there about ten minutes before I had to be, and a wave of relief washed over me. I got out and took deep breaths before I was greeted by all of the staff who had been anxiously waiting for me. Everything was on a tighter-than-tight schedule. I noticed Karl was here since our mustang was in the parking lot as well.

"Karl's here too?" I asked with a smile. Ominous nodded as I handed him my keys as I whispered; "Get the mustang keys, I wanna look cool going to the wedding~"
Ominous laughed and nodded, liking this little unusual request. NightFoxx pulled me into the side office and literally said "Sit, let us do our magic." in a very confident tone.

I sat patiently as my face got pampered with the light makeup [It all had to be specially ordered and stored, due to my sensitiveness to certain brands and types of makeup.] And by the time we were done, Night took a sigh of grace and clapped excitedly. "IT LOOKS EVEN BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!" He spun with some of the artists as I got up to look at myself.

There was light eyeshadow along with a special pattern around my eyes. I looked gracefully at the little bit of blush put on my face and more on how much glitter they ended up using.
My green-blue eyes just melted to this look and if it weren't my special day, I would've cried. I know, I apparently cry a lot when it comes to my life-

NightFoxx didn't let his emotions get the better of him as he shoved me into the next room for fitting. We custom made a special dress for me, I was going to be pretty feminine for this event. I even had my hair nice, and could see my ears.
I was helped into a dress that ended up having a bustle that allowed me to walk easily. There was relatively no poof to it, and reminded me a lot like the dragging train rose dress from royale high- odd reference, I know.
The dress itself was a grayish undertone to white and it had red laces with rubies and similar gemstones all over it. I was given a pretty expensive necklace and a pair of stunning earrings, some pretty fine jewelry for this event.
I had a few undergarments changed, but besides some special headpieces I was given a bouquet and a few gifts from the staff. I used the corners of my fingers to keep myself from getting emotional.

We all went for a big hug over NightFoxx's yell to "NOT RUIN THE DAMN MAKEUP!" We eventually dispersed and I got help with gifts not long before I saw a glimpse of my amazing, stunning fiance in all of his beauty.
He so far probably only had makeup on and he didn't have his suit on yet. I thought nothing of it and excitedly took the keys from Ominous [kudos to him for being super sneaky about the key switching] and I bid my farewells.

I felt a second wave of excitement hit me as I strolled down the street to the parlor with an open mind and no clue what the future held for me. I had a bit of a struggle driving but I held the idea of this discomfort being worth it in the end.
Once I got to the parlor, I was met with a few assistants who guided me to stay outside of the parlor and await Karl while they took the gifts inside. I nodded, and waited for my groom to arrive and finally, walk me down the aisle as his.





About twenty minutes passed and it was ten minutes before the reception. I tapped my foot relentlessly and became filled with panic, the day suddenly turning into a nightmare. I took my now shaking limbs back to my car and grabbed my phone to attempt to reach my spouse, who picked up after two missed calls that went to voicemail.
"Baby?? Where are you?" I panicked. My voice was audibly tense and nervous. He sighed into the phone and replied with a gut-wrenching "We should move the wedding to tomorrow. One of the models sprained their foot and we have a jewelry showcase in just two days."
I quickly directed my sadness to anger. "What do you mean?? This person is more important than me?? This marriage??" I stood there feeling like an idiot.
"Kreek, please. Babe, this is for the company. The wedding can be postponed a day, please don't be so impossible about this." He grunted, hanging up.

I blankly stared at the 'Call Ended' screen for a few measly seconds before slouching over the mustang and bursting into tears. All of these people wouldn't be here tomorrow, it would be the equivalent to getting married in front of a brick wall.
I wiped the seemingly consistent tears from my eyes before I overheard another argument from another guy not too far down.

He was dark, some form of a demon with a broken horn. He was wearing a diamond-studded suit with blue stitching and beautiful patterns all over it. His colors were the opposite of mine, and he was standing with what I assumed to be his best man, who was nervously scrolling on a tablet.
"What do you mean she's having doubts?? Deeter, I HAVE to get married today. Call everyone in my top ten contacts, If I don't get married my family will not be happy with my life whatsoever."
"Okay.." Deeter sighed. He anxiously called one-by-one as the tall man groaned. By now, I examined his tall figure and noticed he was quite the popular figure. Had a few scars but it simply complemented his strong build, with red piercing eyes and a strong, bold look. He was somewhat muscular and had long, darkish cyan hair.

I felt an imminent blush as a sudden overconfidence boost came onto me. I walked irrationally towards the two and approached who I suddenly realized was TanqR- lead in the production and film industries, a practical Billionaire. His presence made people intimidated and he's put various companies out of business permanently. The others, he's influenced to create a practical empire based on his teachings.
"Hey! Hey, wait! You need a bride, right?? I need a groom, why don't I just marry you?" I suddenly spoke.
The assistant and TanqR stared at me, I felt TanqR's eyes read my soul like a book. I watched his face slightly burn up to a red that complimented his face, and he scanned me up and down a few times. "Deeter, what information do you have on this guy?"

Deeter pressed a few buttons and showed TanqR. He nodded something silently and smirked. "KreekCraft, huh? What's a model like you doing so far out?"
"..I kind of just got a last minute cancellation from my fiance and I have a huge parlor booked. Its awkward enough with all of my family here.."
TanqR silently muttered a "Hmm.." and smiled. "I have lots of family here, and was planning on booking at the last minute. Would be great of you, My bride, to share your venue."
My face heated up with a smile as he stooped down and held my hand with my engagement ring on it. "This is flimsy. Deeter."
Deeter approached with a beautiful ring with expensive diamonds encrusted into it. He replaced the ring accordingly and got back up.


When everyone was seated at the parlor, my soon to be husband held my hand proudly despite the little height difference. I felt my face burn up and I couldn't help but ask. "Why did you say yes? I'm a total stranger."
"I know you from your shows, Kreek." He stated; "You were confident enough to approach me. Despite this marriage being on a potential contract, I emphasize with your confidence. You don't seem to care about my popularity or money, like my own fiance."
I smiled wholeheartedly; "Well, I wouldn't marry a jerk if he were rich. If that helps."
"A ton." TanqR linked with my arm, as I heard my own music play. I knew now, it was time.


My favorite part about the wedding was definitely the aftermath. The wedding itself was two hours, and the afterparty was 4. Bruno Mars songs played pretty frequently due to them being me and TanqR's favorites.
It felt like me and him just clicked. We danced, had a mini-cake fight, and I even had NightFoxx come to the party.

"..TanqR, this is NightFoxx, my director and assistant." I proudly spoke. NightFoxx looked confused enough that there was a stranger matching wedding rings with me, but he decided to save his questions. They became acquainted with each other, not long before Night found his eyes fixated on Deeter.
"Who is that?" NightFoxx asked. We both saw his face was reddened.

"That. Is my assistant, Deeter. Why don't you go say hello?" TanqR advised. Night fixed himself before prancing over, his fox tail flicking with excitement.
"Someones in love." I smiled, picking up a wine glass and elbowing TanqR briefly.


The end of the wedding left me and TanqR at his vehicle. I don't recall letting go of him that entire time of the wedding.
"Thank you.." TanqR spoke silently. "This was all extremely sudden, but please do feel free to ask things or favors of me. You are my wife now."
I smiled. "Why are you thanking me? I'm so much lower than you."
"You treated me like a person, and not some higher up person. I felt like I fit in at this party.. and my family enjoyed your presence."

My eyes glimmered and I suddenly remembered Karl. "I do have two ish terms for you, though.."
"What are they?" TanqR looked over as Deeter had my phone, putting their numbers into my contacts.
"Please, don't expose our marriage to the public. I still need to talk this out with Karl, and if he isn't.. Yknow."
"I understand completely. I'll give you six months, what is the other term?" He nodded.
"Ah, the second.. I actually forgot." I nervously laughed. "Anything for me?"

TanqR walked over. He handed me a pair of keys. "These keys are to my mansion. I expect you to move in, in the next two days. I'll have my crew help you, but I don't believe we should live apart."
I stared at the blinged up keys and my eyes glimmered. "T..Thank you?" I smiled. I realized now, the house was in Karl's name. Even if I confronted him, I would probably be kicked out.

Deeter handed me my phone. "Get home safe, Mr. Gunslinger."
"Gunslinger??" Then it hit me. TanqR's last name was Gunslinger, and my prefix of Craft was now just a mere YouTube title.
I nodded and waved goodbye.

"I want you to follow his every move. Make sure he gets home safe and then report back to me, understoo-" TanqR ordered. "What the hell is on your–"
"Sir, please don't ask." Deeter facepalmed, pulling up his collar to hide the obvious bite on his neck.

I approached my car as I noticed the sun slowly set on the horizon. I just sat there for a good ten minutes, giggling and looking at my hand which had been gifted with the ring of this man I married. He was a complete stranger, and yet my heart felt so full and my body felt foggy and breathless. Like a second bliss and emotion I never knew I could have.
I checked my phone to call Karl, but noticed he had his notifications silenced. I sighed, then made a B-line to call NightFoxx before he told anyone about this stranger I married, or about Karl's absence.

$ecrets || TanqRCraft / KreekCraft x TanqR ||जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें