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My eyes struggled to open as I felt a cold rag be placed on my face frantically. I heard a familiarly panicked voice which later I pieced together to be Deeter. "Shoot.. Kreek, get up! Crap, I'll call my boss right now.."I tried to speak but I couldn't. I was literally in a coma like state, unable to see or respond properly. All I could hear was panicked yelling, a phone call being made and in the next twenty ish or so minutes, I heard a deeper voice and the peeling of some object.Then, a sharp pain met my stomach and my vision steadily repaired itself. I found myself in clouded tears and the shorter figure, Deeter, gave me a garbage can just before I even had the urge to throw up.
Someone taller held up my body and I threw up right into the trash, pretty much discarding of whatever I had eaten that entire day.
I wiped my mouth and whilst still dazed, I peered behind me to find TanqR towering over me and talking with Deeter. Deeter then looked at the remainder of the salad and inspected it thoroughly, before looking at one of the pieces of chicken.

"This is orange chicken. Say, is Mr. Gunslinger allergic to peanuts?" Deeter asked, looking at TanqR. TanqR then looked at me and I shook my head. "Peanut oil, but Karl doesn't have anything in the house that contains that stuff.." I groggily said, sitting up. Deeter then kept inspecting the kitchen while TanqRs demeanor tensed up. Deeter took out the vegetable oil in the pantry and pointed to how some of the oil looked displaced. Thus, probably meaning someone tried to poison me.

"You've been drugged and poisoned, Kreek."
"Drugged?" I lowly asked. My eyes widened and I found myself driven with confusion. Deeter looked away as TanqR sighed.
"I could sense you weren't unconscious and it was clear that you felt the allergy shot. You haven't regained your senses yet, I can tell since you didn't even hesitate to puke. Not to mention, your eyes are cloudy and dull." TanqR interlocked his hands under my arms and pulled me to my feet. I was wobbly and felt like I had run a marathon, therefore I held onto TanqR for dear life.
He did his best to steady me but it had pretty much no avail. It felt like I was weak from the waist down and almost reminded me of pind and needles, that staticy feeling when you hit something pretty hard.

"Karl wouldn't do this.." I protested to my own self-doubting thoughts. Deeter and TanqR looked at each other and I sat down so TanqR could make a call.
"We're moving him in today."

"Today??" I protested again. "You're telling me I just fell into a practical food coma and I'm being moved into some strangers' home the same day??"
"Well, obviously you're being targeted. Your relationship with Karl is already on a thin string, and now you've been almost assassinated? It's not safe for you here.. At least not right now."
I looked away for the rest of Deeters speech and I tried to tone him out. I couldn't tell what Karl was to me considering he hasn't even been here for me in person since.. lord knows when. And my gut instinct just screamed at me to let him go, this was fate knocking on my doorstep to tell me about a change in my life.

The rest of that evening consisted of packing my things up, and taking me to a private hospital to be examined for any potential other hazards that an EpiPen and water couldn't handle.

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