My Line

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.. How do I even start to narrate a story like this? In the most important time of my life?

Let me start over. Cut that fragment out, starting again-
Hi. Putting it simple, names KreekCraft and I sure hope I don't have to explain my identity further. I'm a model and a part-time YouTuber with my fiancé Karl.
Karl Jacobs is THE MAN of my life. I first had a contract with his company, then we made Pixel Playground, and now? He proposed back in May of last year.. In front of our entire cast, our crew, and when we were live on air.
I can't imagine my life, any other way reall-

"Hi my love, what's going on here?" Karl walked over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek as a welcoming sign almost. "Nothing much, just writing a potential script. How's the models coming along with the clothes line?" I asked with a smile.
"About that.. One of the stitches came out of one of the beanies. Could I use yours on one of the models for the runway?" Karl asked innocently. I somewhat looked at him confused- There hadn't been a single fault in any of the clothes that had been shipped to us by our provider. However, accidents happen, so I just decided to hand Karl my beanie with a smile. "Here, just make sure I get it back babe" I laughed it off, facepalming at the irony of this all.

In reality, I wasn't writing a script at all. Instead, it was mostly planning stuff for the bridesmaids and the groomsmen for the wedding which was, ever so promptly in two days. I was the one who was most likely in charge of all of the.. important aspects, I guess? Karl was really busy with our brand and I don't blame him for giving me some work. Speaking of our brand, we had quite literally so much competition that every minute of his had to be put into this modeling show.
I finished up some plans and put my book to the side. I usually don't watch the show but today, I was quite curious to watch the clothes line.
I got up from the rather comfy sofa and fixed my plaid jacket before walking over to a slit in the curtain. Since I was at a certain angle, I could see all of the clothes walking out on the models. 
The first one was saw was our Pixel Playground merch, most were the same in different colors but the judges were very much amused. My favorite (I know, bias) was the red collection.

Over time I saw various products get rated, feedback, etc, but I never saw my hat go on. Maybe I had missed it, but I only saw our new alternative hat go onto the stage. I primarily decided to drop the whole hat mishap as another case of me not paying attention, however, I was quickly discarded of that thought seeing Karl walk right past me to go talk to one of the models.
Sighing, and just deciding it was because he was excited to be done with the show, I decided to pack up for the day. Watching the walk of our products took about two hours or so, especially with all of the alternate colors and different designs. The feedback was pretty tame, and the only wish they had was for me to demonstrate a few outfits with Karl next time.
Karl made up that I wasn't feeling well (instead of literally just saying I was busy and moved to Stage manager) hence leading me to more suspicion. 
I tend to overreact a lot. Like, I mean, a lot, so I had quick plans to leave.
I had been up all night prior, this situation with my fiancé lying to the literal judges and not seeing the one statement piece of our brand go up (possibly) was annoying the crap out of me.

"Oh! Kreek, you're leaving so soon?" My director, NightFoxx approached me.
"Yeah, I'm actually quite tired." I sighed. "Can you tell Karl I'm going? And I better get my hat back from him." 
NightFoxx paused then smiled; "Sure! Get home safe, we're testing makeup for you tomorrow for your wedding--"
My heart rate increased and I blushed at the thought of marrying Karl. I broke into a grin- "Thanks Night, I wouldn't know what to do without your assistance."

He gave me a fist-bump and I made a B-Line to grab my keys. In many various ways, this day was tiring and I wanted it to be over with.
...To my dismay, its anything but over.

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